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Old 10-17-06, 02:09 AM   #24
Diet Coke
Posts: 1

spul thinks he's cut out for this, but a opperation aint saving this basterd
n besides your child birth.. what came from this c-section is even wacker
[b]I think the idea is great, just not a huge fan of the wording..

spul alway's goes hard, but n my eyes he's more of a wanksta cuz..
that hand gun your holding.. 's really killing your gangsta buzz
Not really feeling this one..

He always has to explain his punches, it's lame when shorty raps
Heads never get where he's comin from.. which explains the corny hat
Nice, best punch of the battle..
I'll make him lose his girl, his dignity, this match. You know I'm the shit
the way I'm putting A thru L's...
... the other 14 letters'll will throw a fit
Nothing special, but alright..

This was really between the c-section punch and the hat punch to me as I didn't really like the other punches by each of you. I think that SPuL's hat punch hits harder than Art's c-section punch, so I'm going to have to give this one to SPuL.

Close/good battle..

Vote: SPuL
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