Thread: trying out
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Old 10-17-06, 08:52 PM   #7
J Bee
Posts: 147
From: minneapolis, mn

yeah niggas like you from South London who be hatin on the real niggas like me,

How I take care of South London Fags

fuckin park my car ova your ass
smoke you up like a dime of grass
hustlin for money
got the street police on me
bust a slug in their head
so they can finally feel what it's like to be dead
i already knows how that feels im dead inside
deppressed and fucked out cause life aint an easy ride

dad left when i was only four
got 5 bros and sistahs so my mom had to whore
i evolved in the projects as a dealer
sellin you salt as coke take yo money and den iya beatcha
ass down so fast that you bleed all over my brand new shirt
and im like hell nah this cost alot, now yo gonna really hurt
stomp your head into the mud
faster than lightning yur life is gone with a thud

take your dead body to the woods
rip off your clothes then play with your goods
jiggle your balls in my mouth and chew on them

[CHORUS] Oh how good it feels to be a serial killing necrophilliac
oh how good it feels to suck on your ball sack (*echoes out)

cut them open and drink your semen with the stem
of my straw, then ill cut off your penis and swallow it whole
take off my clothes, rub mustard across my chest and get ready to roll


flip you over so your ass is twords the sky
fuck you so hard jizz gets in my eye
take out my knife and cut off my balls while im still fucking you
take my balls, sticken up my ass and shit them out onto the corpse of the jew
that i just finished killing and raping 3 days ago
still fucking you, put red makeup on my face so i look like a hoe


burry your body and piss to mark it for some fun later
i go out to the streets and look for some boys, please not as old as ralph nador!//
find one, he'll give me 5 dollars if i suck the end of his lever
killem, take him to the woods and start it all ova again, and i keep doing this forever!//

[Chorus fades out]

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