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Old 10-21-06, 03:15 PM   #17
Roger Glocks
Middle Weight
Posts: 412


Ima distroy your rep, so like startin races ill send ya back to start
N my punches hit so hard, that flag's face will be disfigured like abstract art
Ill whore your ass so quick in this battle people will call it a molsetin
My punchs bang hella good....... like your moms profession

I'd like to say you got skills in all areas, but i'd have to be crazy as a loon
the last time that flag was well rounded.. was when we planted him on the moon



this thread proves ur'a bitch, s'why in the hood I know u isn't beast
but lampejo WILL 'control the block'.. now that the new madden released

you joined and after 11 weeks u still in smoke, i'd say a downward slope
i'd give u a helping hand.. but my whole arm and torso wouldnt make u dope

cool battle...flagrant you had the dopest line i seen this week..well atleast IMO..control the block DAMM i wish i thought bout that lol...but beside that you kinda fell off...lotta played shit like young joc line...flash had a couple nice lines like hella good n abstract art....juss a few more quotables for flash

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