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Old 10-21-06, 03:35 PM   #30
Succès Facile!
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He always has to explain his punches, it's lame when shorty raps
Heads never get where he's comin from.. which explains the corny hat
^lol.couldve done more with that concept tho...

I'll make him lose his girl, his dignity, this match. You know I'm the shit
the way I'm putting A thru L's...
... the other 14 letters'll will throw a fit
^coo.L concepts..r a bit played.


spul alway's goes hard, but n my eyes he's more of a wanksta cuz..
that hand gun your holding.. 's really killing your gangsta buzz
^ was funny..

spul thinks he's cut out for this, but a opperation aint saving this basterd
n besides your child birth.. what came from this c-section is even wacker
^I thought of using that c-section concept myself..but couldnt pull it off..u did well with it..I thought it was pretty decent.


no hate.IMO
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