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Old 10-21-06, 10:15 PM   #9
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Nostradamus

20 grand isnt that much these days...........

Invest money in owning a business and taking a course... Your returns will be far higher as long as your idea is good...

Newsflash, I never said $20,000 was a lot. I said if you put in $50 when you're 18 by the time you're in your mid 60's you'll have around $20,000 and that's a hell of a lot better than $50. I don't need help with my money. Believe me. I just laid down a basic idea for anybody who cares.

There's so much more that people can do with their money, but it would take me literally hours to explain some of it.
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