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Old 10-22-06, 05:16 AM   #11
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by C.Jet
havent u realized by now....

anytime u post summin intelligent....sum one has to come in and try to bash a confidence booster within there own metality....

We all know your right....
And I apreciate the advice. But Im filthy ne ways....ya kno?

Fuckem.....your right....

Ahaha, I didn't type that up for somebody who's going to be set for life in a few years. I just know not that many people are going to make it in rap, so why not put a net under you so if you're one of the ones who doesn't make it you'll still be fine. It's not like setting up an IRA account (or a 401k account) is a lot of work, so why not put some money into one of them? For a lot of people (including myself) this shit isn't a game. . I may never be famous and I may never be a celebrity, but I when I'm 80 years old I won't be working a shitty job because I lived pay check to pay check my whole fucking life.

Don't take my words out of context and believe that if you put $50 into an IRA account now, by the time you're 65 you'll be able to retire off of that $20,000. You won't. You'd have to keep putting in money as you grow older and you should be fine (as long as you avoid going into debt and live below your means). I just thought I'd share with you guys how a small amount of money now can turn into a decent sized amount of money later. Maybe think twice before you buy that next 360 game and ask yourself what it's going to be worth in 10 years. . 20 years. . I promise you that $20,000 is going to be a lot more useful when you're 70 then a fucking Xbox 360 game will.
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