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Old 10-25-06, 07:39 PM   #10
TEF's Avatar
Posts: 117

Look in the air its a bird, its a plane, wtf is that shit
N dude i'll admit i was scared as fuck
Til i found out it was an attack from above, bitch
Dopeness Talent skills and awesomeness is what i love
Its just to bad that you are none of the above


Enough of your antics dude, you consider yourself phat, geek
But then you give Flagrant wins, just like the one from last week


His insults were a lil more degrading and the flow was better, too many gay ass arrows from the other guy and some punches didn't connect. the shit talkin one was almost ok but it's a lil on the played side, I seen it alotta times almost word for word but that closer was real good, I aint gonna lie. just not e-nuff tho
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