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Old 10-27-06, 10:52 AM   #98
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599

Okay, here's something that I've noticed thats been going on in the league for awhile. I feel like, a lot of heads will log on around 9:00 on thursday and see their opponent hasn't posted yet. Then, they either drop a no-show verse or don't drop a verse thinking their opponent isn't going to show. I feel like a lot of heads here believe their opponent won't show when they plan to.

2 examples I saw of this just yesterday, Flagrant dropped a no-show verse and his opponent showed... and Joe Native was online at 9 before his opponent had posted and logged off, probably assuming his opponent wasn't posting.

To fix this, I think a "real verse" policy is needed. Basically, if you drop a no-show verse and your opponent no-shows, you lose. Being able to decypher a real verse from a fake verse can be hard so the standard would have to be low, but if its obvious its a no-show verse, I say don't give them the win.

We should encourage people to drop real verses, not just assume their opponent isn't showing up.
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