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Old 11-02-06, 12:30 AM   #5
Roger Glocks
Middle Weight
Posts: 412

look at this redneck! u live in a double wide and theres no doubting
cuz his trailor attracts more gay dudes then Brokeback Mountain
you better watch ya girl tho.. she wants it in the throat
shes treating my dick like peyton manning in her choke
^ wat am I saying? what girl have u ever been with? your the fakest
I banged Tara Reid then threw her away like Manning against the Patriots
listen, not to call attention to your forehead but you'll juss slip n fall
but u got a good head on you. especially to headbutt brick walls
mouth wide open. get ready to suck dick. your feeling tense n shits vibrant
your prob on Edge now ...ohh wait...he left! now what dick are you riding?
Have all that offensive talent around you but still your so far away
cuz the ring scares him more then that movie that kills u in 7 days
drunk driving, killing a man, raping a girl and selling that hard white crack
^but theres one Law you cant break!
.... his name is TY and he plays corner back

From Sony to Sprint, ESPN to DirecTV, Marsh to Bill Estes Automotive Group, companies across the country have flocked to Manning

^take the commercial success, get the gold and make that dough
but im glad u have a Direct TV... can have more fun watching me win the super bowl

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