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Old 11-02-06, 09:26 PM   #5
fuck yuu
fuck yuu's Avatar
Posts: 984

Dude you got no skills, so ill be blunt n cut right to the chase
You look like a fat version of that gay guy from will and grace
Kid i dont mean to sound rude but your girl would look better in lace
N your face is so oily That even bush would start a war over your face
Lookin at your picture, its clear to see yall is a perfect match made
I mean dude you both even got the same color yellow tooth shade
Ill give you props man you used to be dope
...........................but now people see you as a fat wigger
N dude come on you mean to tell me
........................without a shirt your tits wouldnt be bigger
Dude your bitch is a heffer, i mean her arms as big as my thigh
N dude you look just like a white version of that oger from shrek, guy
I notice you lookin at me fool, what is you prepared to die homie
Oh wait shit my mistake man thats just your lazy eye driftin towards me
Lamp fear this hoe? nah never, your rhymes are old n set to bore
Cause to be honest man... its that mole on your neck that i fear more
Dude you had a nice streak in the league but now your done here bitch
so quick before you luck runs out, rub your belly three times.. n make a wish
Now on to your girls picture bitch, its like im playing pacman
Except i aint chasin ghosts, im running from plaque man
You winnin the championship match left alota people sayin how
But still that wasnt nearly as lopsidded as your girls eyebrows
The more i stare at her picture i see a simaler resembleince in you two
N the worst part about it is.... she has the same chin as you
Dude whys your girls face was so red, your sure shes yours
Or is it cause shes embarassed to be seen with you in pictures
Everyone's come to see a good match, but i'll win this of course
N dude your bitch shows so much gums
..................people'd think shes related to ed... the talkin horse
Your time is up and everyones here to watch your fat ass fall
So dude tell your girl to take that shit off her face
..............................................this aint no masquerade ball

Thanks kemp for cleanin the thread.
Fuck Yuu Productions
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Stayin Fresh Til Death

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