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Old 11-03-06, 08:40 AM   #7
New to RV
Posts: 29


Why return to the league ure still wack, so don't act like ya pack fear
Cuz in terms of dopeness... this faggot must be takin his gap year
But I admit you got skills with topicals, nd son I aint gunna doubt it
So when I expose ure wack at text, you can write a shitty OM about it
About how I spoilt your day, nd shone some light on the fact ure just a rook
I mean how you Authentic intelligence… when ya brains corrupt as fuck
That’s a polite way to say ure retarded by the way… and I don’t mean to fire a row
But the only MM that ANYONE respects… is in retirement now
And bro your structure must be clowned, nd it’s more than just hunches
Cuz ure a prime example… of another faggot who can’t write 3 line punches…

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