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Old 11-03-06, 01:23 PM   #21
Jack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by Mad Dog
word i had a book on's a decent for of martial arts

i did karate for a couple of years as a kid...i remember when i first got my gi (thats what they called ya kit) and this kid came up to me like hahahahaha you only a white i said yeah...and what belt are you on?...and he said well i don't do i said well...thats one belt higher than you...

but all martial arts are about discipline's never about violence it's all self-control...

No you're wrong...

My brother is doing a form of Russian Martial Arts that they use to teach the soviet millitary, forgot what it's called, but basicaly it teachers you to kill your oppenant no matter what. Lowblows, bite him, pull his hair, dosn't matter... They teach you to be deadly with any form of a weapon, even a pen... And they teach you how to fight more then 2 people at once, and how to grab someone and use them as a shield while you fight. Among many other things...

But ya, Muay Thai also has a pretty violent origin
It's JTR, lyrical art
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