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Old 11-03-06, 04:19 PM   #11
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599

Playoff's yah bitch.. you'll see me in that place...
But your line cant stand to mine.. you can catch a freeney to the face...
Your record.. it dont mean shit to me...
after branch left.. u can no longer go out on a limb for victories
Nobody's feeling you under center except a few sluts..
& your line noticed u feeling under center a little too much


you better watch ya girl tho.. she wants it in the throat
shes treating my dick like peyton manning in her choke
mouth wide open. get ready to suck dick. your feeling tense n shits vibrant
your prob on Edge now ...ohh wait...he left! now what dick are you riding?
Have all that offensive talent around you but still your so far away
cuz the ring scares him more then that movie that kills u in 7 days

Cool battle fellas, one of the best battles I've read this week. Cocaine came wayyy better than I expected, good shit duke. Glocks came pretty decent too tho. Thing is, Cocaine, u really fell off hard at the end. Ur last 6 lines were all really weak that really cost u. Glocks closer was eh, but he really never slowed down, verse was much more consistent than Cocaine. Choke and ring lines I thought were the best of the battle, and combined with consistency, I think Glocks got this. Good effort tho Cocaine

Vote - Roger Glocks
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