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Old 11-03-06, 11:39 PM   #15
Roger Glocks
Middle Weight
Posts: 412


Now fast forward, and watch me jab and blast this fat hoe
and flatten the bridge of your nose... so it could make a canyon a plateau
And I'm sure your gay too, so I cant get pissed at this sick bitch...
when he's the first one ever... to make a fist with a limp wrist
But I'll admit your a beast man... aint a doubt that you should kill...
But fuck London... you look like an American Wearwolf... in Goodwill



I see that shit and laugh, aint no doubt ur a retarded fella...
Fuck... you only have a chinstrap to never forget a helmet
Dont get jealous, or pissed off, we all know that ya frail boy...
and them zits on ur neck... just proves you shootin the steroids

That was kind of a cheap shot... but I'll try to keep it fair dawg...
against the missing link... between man... and cravings for bear claws

close battle equal ...pretty funny lol ...chrit slayed me with the american werewolf...favorite line..native had some lines..but for funnier shit r chist won this with that

vote-r christ
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