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Old 11-04-06, 03:58 PM   #10
New to RV
Posts: 29

Its like, nothing you post is felt... you must be fightin for help...
Cause I see 1 ear... so your fatass must have Tyson'd yourself
And I'm sure your gay too, so I cant get pissed at this sick bitch...
when he's the first one ever... to make a fist with a limp wrist
I got advice to leave ya with, it may leave ya ego hurt dawg...
But you go for the bare look... it should atleast appear you took a shirt off


There's other side effects man, 'n its why ya lookin dumb, fella
with a giant chin... that proves even the asians are hung better...
Gotta battle urself for a win, instead of seeing you cry when they all beat ya
It was clear you had no neck... now it looks like there's no spine either

Lol i gotta give chrit the vote he had 1 more quotable, but you dissed yourself well lol, but dont do that shit 2 often ya might get depressed.

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