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Old 11-04-06, 09:44 PM   #47
Phu Que
R.Christensen's Avatar
Posts: 788

You arent getting the point...

MMA training sets you up better for actual combat better than any single discipline. There is no other training where you spar 100% every day... we fight daily with 4 oz gloves... the advantage to having that training is insane.

And you didnt just say Jeet Kune Do... that was the first attempt at mixed martial arts lol...

The thing most people dont remember is just because we learn things with rules in mind does not mean we couldnt add the cheap tactics in an actual fight.

Take most martial arts... they dont so much as teach you to keep your chin down...

Hell... with MMA you are ready for any situation... standing, clinched, grappling, chokes, joint locks, etc.

Nothing conditions you to be able to react to a real fight better than that. 80% of moves in traditional martial arts are not effective in real fights.
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