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Old 11-07-06, 04:27 PM   #4
Daubs's Avatar
Posts: 10,604
From: Salford

I know for a fact I would be an asset to your label for the simple fact I will not give up. I will work to the fullest of my potential to ensure I reach standards I and other people are happy with and to meet deadlines. I believe I can bring a new style and complexity of a verse with different rhyme schemes and concepts. I am sure my accent will appeal to some listeners as it is not something people hear everyday around hiphop. This will bring a fresh view on old styles adapted to meet a listeners satisfaction.

Hiphop is not a hobby to me, its a lifestyle. I find myself writing in any spare time I have and freestyling at any chance. Due to my posotive attitude towards being the best I have caught the eye of many already established rappers and grime artists. This is important because it allows for me to collaberate with a larger lange of people which in turn will give this label more exposure.

I am a man who meets targets, my latest is to be a part of this label now, and to bring a following towards my own music and to the labels other artists. I am sure my name will be known within 6 months of hard work and thats when I will work even harder to improve my style even more.
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