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Old 11-08-06, 07:26 AM   #11
J. Luth
I see dumb people
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Posts: 15,826
From: Boston, MA

I always have seen rap as a way for me to let out any problems I have. It's a zone of comfort for me. I usually keep to myself around others, but when it comes to rap I usually just let it all out. If I'm angry, I let the anger out, and prevent myself from doing anything stupid. It's an instant calming sensation for me. When I'm on the mic, nothing else matters to me, it's just me, the lyrics, and the mic in front of me. I rap for the passion of making music, and not like other people *cough* J SUMMERS!!!! *cough* who just do it for the money and change their style to what sells.
As far as why i'd be an asset to the company, I stay focused on what I'm doing. If I decide to do something, no matter what gets in my way I won't stop until I achieve it. Or even if I do happen to fail, I'd be able to go out knowing that I still gave it my 150%, and I'll just work on trying even harder to achieve it next time. Also, like I said before, I have the passion for music. Music is what drives me, what keeps me happy. Without it, I'd feel like I was missing a huge part of me. So you know I'll do everything in my power to keep it in my life. Also, I try to bring a unique style to the table. I stay true to myself. You'll never see me rap about gang banging, selling crack, hustling, etc. I never will claim that I'm gangsta, because I know I'm not, and I don't feel that i NEED to be one to get ahead in the rap game. It might be harder to get through, but I always have liked having to deal with big challenges.
All in all, what you see is what you get with me. I stay true to myself, have a passion for music, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure I can succeed in music. Music is everything to me, and when my love for music stops, I'll be riding dirty in a coffin in the backseat of a w/e the car they ride coffins in is. Real talk.


2x Best audio head (Jan '05, Jan '06)
KORV 2 Final 4
KORV 0 and KORV 3 Champion
First 1-2-1 champ

3x Best Audio collaboration... (August '05-October '05)
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