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Old 11-09-06, 04:24 AM   #3
Te Ora
Light Weight
Posts: 263

Originally Posted by Lampejo.
Mabye we can actually battle this week... i completly forgot about the 1-2-1 n then i was talking to trus on aim n he was like yeah you forgot to drop for you battle you should go drop now.

.. this is a strange scenario. i don't believe a thing your saying bro
i thought you were were trusworthy.. but he beat you several days ago
needing a reminder is supsciouse enough, so let me put an end to this crap
if you lose when you "forget", we'll call this battle a memory lapse
but why rush your punch? i'd let you drop late, and less weak
and i'll still let you have this extended..
..ass whooping into next week
i saw you pull some gay shit in 1-2-1.. but won't be adressing it long
fag doesn't allow extensions..
but wouldn't look outta place giving them in a hair dressing salon
fuckin' homo isn't original either. it's painful but i'll say you suck
you are on the freshold.. of dropping shit thats played as fuck
i gotta sixth sense.. it tells me i'll beat you easily, then floss son
and that we'll be even afta this battle..
..cause my win column will equal your loss one
i'm the next big thing on RV, but this fag won't give improvement a chance
i asked homie "y front on me?".. and he wanted me to remove my pants
you've been here for years. still got no name, and sad drops
only time anyone herd of lam..
..was when we saw sheep graizing in padocks.
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