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Old 11-16-06, 02:20 AM   #1
New to RV
Posts: 43
From: nunya

Look.. ma badd if I misunderstood... I just got the impression that U was tryin to be a smartazz by askin "so U think ni99az gonna give U their CC details??"..... nahmean.. U wouldnt believe how much sarcasm and haters I get just for reppin the message I rep... and sometimes I just lose my temp.. So if I jumped in yo sh$!.. ma badd..

On a more civil note: to answer ya ??
-Paypal accepts not only Paypal accounts, but it also gives U the options to pay with Credit Card...
-the CC details are only seen by Paypal people... its just like anything else U would buy on Paypal.. The only info the Merchant gets is the customer's name, and where to ship it to...
Hope this answers ya ???...

SE7EN Ministries
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