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Old 11-18-06, 09:47 PM   #12
King Solo
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My brother got it and so I thought, lets have a go at it. My god, after 20 or so minutes of annoyance I got fucking bored.

I started to beat on some pedestrian and he just kept getting back up. After I knocked the dude down for like the tenth time I gave up on that. I went to steal a car, walked up to the door and suddenly I fell on my ass and lost health.... apparently a non-moving car can knock me down with its side... must've learned how to strafe and shit. After a few more ass knock downs I managed to steal some poor excuse for a sports car and it was slow as hell and handled like a piece of shit.

Finally, I decided to hit up a mission to test the real action out. It was some gay ass mission where I had to shoot up a bunch of people who seemed to be invincible. I got my ass handed to me, even though I was hitting some of them with point blank shots. In a second attempt I used some weak looking stealth maneouvres and managed to shoot them all up with a fraction of life left.

Then I turned it off. The game is straight ass. The gameplay is weak, it jumps a lot of the time, it is like 10 times more blocky than GTA3 was. The shooting is below par, the fighting is repetitive and homosexual. The only highlights to the game are the soundtrack, Tony Montana when he speaks and getting eaten by a shark in the water.

Other than that it is shit and I wouldn't have it if some dude paid me to have it.
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