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Old 11-22-06, 03:37 AM   #32
Is F'in Bored
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Posts: 1,371
From: chambana,illinois

I don't think he's a racist at all actually. What those people did at his show is completely dis respectful and un necessary. If you don't like his jokes, get the fuck up and leave. Just because you're too cheap to walk out on tickets you bought doesn't mean you fuck up my show you ASSHOLE. Plus, HE'S FUCKING KRAMER. You know what you're getting when you walk in. That's like george bush going to see bill murray in act. You know what you're getting.

Next, when you get mad at someone, i mean unbelieveably mad. You know how people are. So mad that you try everything you can to hurt that person. This person just happened to be black and he did what he thought would insult that man as bad as he felt. Yes those comments were racist but that doesn't make him racist. That makes him uncontrollable when he's angry. Sometimes you say things you can't take back though and that's on him.

Next. Don't fucking front Every other station on t.v. is for white people and you know it. So are the award shows so you guys can shove that shit. I had somebody say they were sick of fucking black history month because it's racist and we don't have a white history month. WHAT FUCKING BLACK PEOPLE DO WE LEARN ABOUT OTHER THAN DURING THAT MONTH. Every other person we study is white. Re-Fucking-Lax.

Anyways i don't think kramers racist he was just really pissed off and trying to hurt someone. If some country fan came to something i was doing and drawing attention to himself insulting me I would be like "Nigga this is my fucking job. If you don't like me get to fucking bouncing you scrub ass nigga" I would then begin to make at least 2 more jokes before i was finished then tell security to bounce this niggs. You know you've been angry out of control before and that's what happens...

Doesn't make the shit right but anger is rediculous sometimes. Anyways...
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