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Old 11-22-06, 07:31 AM   #35
Middle Weight
Posts: 651

Originally Posted by Blackmage
I don't think he's a racist at all actually. What those people did at his show is completely dis respectful and un necessary. If you don't like his jokes, get the fuck up and leave. Just because you're too cheap to walk out on tickets you bought doesn't mean you fuck up my show you ASSHOLE.

Man, shut up. That was absolutely stupid.

People pay money to hear comedians you know, they dont just go walk out after a couple minutes, if he doesnt provide good jokes, people boo and shout commentary, its that simple.

What they were doing did not warrant him to say those kinds of things AT ALL. I dont know what fucking fantasy world punks like you live in, but racism is alive and well bitch, and if you like to play antirealist and deny its existence you're just a feeble minded ignorant white person who thinks they have the minority's condition all figured out with pony logic. People are still sensitive to it. So suck balls my nigga. You dont know shit about whats out there.

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