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Old 11-23-06, 10:34 AM   #24
King Solo
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Posts: 17,012

Voted For: Shiest Lucia

To be honest, this battle was weak.

LUCIA - My opinion is that you won this battle purely because you dropped a lot more bars, you didn't stretch anything so your verse flowed well and you actually had one or two punches that were not bad. They could be worded better to make them dope, but the way you had them was cool. My favourite bar in your verse was the Dragonball Z Krillin bar.. I felt it could've been better, but it still was ok. Overall, you used a lot of played concepts in your verse, your wording was weak in places. However, the flow of your verse was dope and this probably would've worked better as an audio verse or something.

MONEY - Despite the fact that I know you will say this is some sort of hate vote or whatever, I'll vote anyway. You didn't have as many bars which let you down, and basically all of your bars were weak and played shit that I've seen done several times before. You stretched the shit out of your bars which is a big mistake on this site because we hate it. But, your biggest mistake was explaining punches. If you have to explain them, then they are not that good. Voters should be able to get everything straight off the bat. I think you need to work on a better structure for your verse.. stop stretching the fuck out of lines. You need to work on your wording and come up with far better concepts.

Overall, this battle was weak. This is not a hate vote, not a dickriding vote.. I don't do that. Honestly, you both could do a lot better.. and Lucia only won for having a decent flow, longer verse which resulted in him actually having more decent punches.

V/ - Shiest Lucia
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