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Old 11-23-06, 01:58 PM   #59
ILL GRAMMATIX... any other questions?
ILL GEE's Avatar
Posts: 1,335
From: ATL..still reppin' NYC

personally, i kinda feel where Q was coming from with this... if you let one person slide then everyone else will think it's cool to act that way towards another race.. and i'm not just saying blacks vs whites... i'm talking all races... what kramer did was inexcusable... people have been "letting things go" forever.... when are you gonna stand up for yourself? for YOUR people? for a CAUSE worth standing up for?.... If we can go to another country and do the things we're doing over there why can't we protect people in our OWN country?!!

I was a fan of Kramer's until i saw that clip... I was actually in a bank in VA when i saw it... a white lady in back of me pointed it out to me... she was more shocked and pissed off about it than I was!!! All I could do was shake my head... it's a constant reminder that no matter how hard people try and shield it from our eyes the essence of Racism is still prevalent in our day and time... even with all the progress we've made as a country...

The US is comprised of the most hypocritical people anywhere in the world... the greatest country in the world is also the shadiest country in the world!

and btw.... i didn't feel his apology was genuine on Letterman's show... it seemed phony to me... i feel bad for him, though... i hope this was a valuable learning lesson for him and people all over the world


"real recognize real but still others remain jaded
believing bullshit accounts of how "so-and-so" made it
there's a formula for gimmick emcees that are over-rated:
wackness created... payola paid it... and radio overplayed it"
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