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Old 11-24-06, 12:07 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Terumoto
Difference: They have no self-conciousness, and they are doing that so they can live. You're masing dudes over other stuff.

Like, I agree with you, you gotta do whatever you need to to win if you're in a real fight... Even if it means bringing out the mase, but if that shit makes contact the fight is as good as over, no use hitting them any more.

Nah you need to beat them. to get the message across.

Mace is a short damage thing. after a few hours they will feel normal.

and also ive seen someone get maced drop to the floor and get back and swing blinded.

kicking them a few times just makes it secure they won't get back, and punching em and booting them in the head is for leaving a statement that your no bitch.
em ur mother is a crack whore kims a known slut so whats halie goin to be when she grews up?
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