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Old 11-25-06, 06:21 AM   #15
Posts: 1,091

I went out around 3:30 am and drove by microcenter and frys. Both had lines from the front of the store to around the corner of the building. So I went to circuit city and the line was also to the sides. Got in line hoping to get their $4 1gb usb drive but by the time I got in there, they were out. I did see people with like 3 or 4 of them in their hands though. Missed grabbing the $13 2gb one by a few secs. So went back to frys and they had plenty of the 512mb free after rebate ones, so I grabbed one and left. I use the flash drives to keep my mailboxes between the desktop and laptop in sync, and 512mb is still plenty since I've just filled up my 256mb one. Was back home by 6am and in bed by 9.. earliest I've gotten to bed in weeks.

Crowds and lines annoy me. One day, I should get a bunch of people together and just make a line somewhere and see if there are people stupid enough to get in line behind us and wait.
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