Thread: Hockey fights
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Old 12-05-06, 08:14 AM   #1
C-Explicit's Avatar
Posts: 61

You play college hockey.... in which loop? what division?

Ive been givin 3 full ride schollys to Boston College, Quinnipiac, and Babson College.
My rights belong to the Barrie Colts of the OHL and the Soiux City Musketeers of the USHL.

College hockey < OHL / QMJHL / USHL / WHL

The Canadian hockey player argument, although not an argument is a true fact. Look at the market saturation of teams... where do the majority of the teams reside??? Its also been a proven fact, the Top 50 Hockey Players of ALL-TIME, only I beleive 3 out of the entire 50 players are not Canadian.... you said you play college hockey, look at some of the better teams, and where their players come from... University of Wisconsin, they have been offereing everything they can to get a couple players for their roster, one from the USHL, and majority from the OPJHL, Look up Sam Gagner... look up esposito, coutoure, tavares, all top canadian players playing in top level junior leagues, all pretty much going to be drafted in the first round of the NHL draft, (tavares is elibible 2009) you must be pretty level headed to think that it means because more canadians are on one team results in people being sore losers... face facts, more canadians played on Carolina than Edmonton... never said thats why they won.. and once again you show your level-headedness, as what other sport do Canadians have a huge influence on... cant really pick NFL, or MLB, not even NBA... the NHL is where canadian saturation of the sports entertainment market occurs... though you would realize that before you post wouldnt you......

anyways what college team do you play for... D1 / D3? and what do you play...
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