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Old 12-07-06, 10:08 PM   #12
∆ P E X X
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Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

here's why you're an asshat.
Originally Posted by Maleficent
Blah blah blah, alot of people say this, but if you study the details of each of those stories they bear no resemblance, its just the characters.

ummm no lmao but i guess we're about to explore that now aren't we...
I dont see where you got Mary and Athena from if Jesus became Zeus, Prometheus isnt a devil and Satan hasnt been condemned to eternal damnation yet, Moses and Gilgamesh? Uhhhh, no.

Athena? well lets see... every single image you've ever seen of mary is modeled after statues of athena, from the round cheeks, the full face, the robe, her hands and everything, but lets pretend to ignore that and look only at the details... Athena is the divine virgin mother. ...what a coincidence.... Mary is also a divine virgin mother....hmm..must be the in thing. Athena is the female balance of divine power in the greek culture... what a coincidence, Mary is the female balance of divine power in christianity... Athena is considred to be the most loving being ever created in the greek culture. ....what a coincidence.... Mary (the mother of mercy) is considered the most loving being ever created in christianity. and the list of commonalities goes on and on.

oh by the way, one of the most famous statues of the virgin mary in greece was once a statue of athena before chrisitanity took over. if you knew how high the greeks regard athena (the mother of their mythology, jsut as mary is the mother of christian mythology), you'd know what blasphemy it would be to deface a goddess with anything less than her supreme form.

Second up, "Jesus" isn't dudes name, it's Yashua. Yashua BinYosef (Joshua of Joseph). "Jesus" is a combination of the rastafarian god of peace, Jah and the greek god Zeus. Jah Zeus. Christ is a title, like Caesar, not a last name. Paul the apostle (who admitted to being posessed by a demon and never met jesus in his entire life) gave him that name. What a coincidence, every image of "Jesus" you've ever seen was lifted from statues of Zeus, from the long hair (even though the bible says long hair on a man is dishonorable) right down to the beard, and everything, only diffrence of course is the build since "jesus" was a common man not a god. and actually, in christianity, jesus IS god. Oh yeah, Zeus ressurected the dead... Just like Jesus did!! Zeus's (zeus who to the celts was known as Odin) symbol was a cross. WOW!! Jesus's symbol........IS ALSO A CROSS!!! of course Yashua and Zeus have their own paths, but their "abilities" are one in the same.

third, satan's story in the bible is directly lifted from the story of prometheus. first chosen as the right hand man etc etc then turned against the gods. the "fire" or "light" is "enlightenment" or "knowledge" that he stole. his escape from the heavens then banishment by the gods is the fall from grace. etc etc etc man i dot' evne see the point of going on with this.

and Finally, to say moses isn't lifted from the gilgamesh epics screams to me that you don't know jack shit about the gilgamesh epics. The Five Books of Moses IS the Gilgamesh epics you jackass lol. Moses is Sargon from top to bottom. from the "chosen child" being put in a basket by a distressed mother and sailing down the EXACT SAME river into the arms of a humble family, to the plagues, to the walking with the chosen people for 40 years in the desert, to the power struggle against a king, to the great flood, to the speaking directly with god on a mountain and decending with tablets - all directly lifted from Sargons story in the gilgamesh epics.

I'll continue on just to be a prick: the Garden of Eden is Dilmun, The Angels are the aliens the Eloheem, Heaven is the crystal city Baalbeck and "God" of course is the entity Shamash. and on and on and on and on man.

ALL religions originate from the Gilgamesh Epics and the Enuma Enlish my man. Its the original texts speaking of meetings with superior beings, its even written in the original language. They pre-date the bible by thousands of years.

if you had even a fraction of an idea what you're talking about, you wouldnt' be talking about it.

please stop talking out of your ass. if you don't know, just say you don't know.


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