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Old 12-08-06, 10:25 PM   #28
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by Maleficent
You would have to back up your ridiculous Moses Books/Gilgamesh Enuma Elish stories too.
The Elish is more along the lines of Genesis, and it has to do with Babylonian religion. Nothing similar to Gilgamesh or Moses or Sargon. You havent read it.

like i said, all religions source material from the enuma enlish and the gilgamesh epics. how did you put the idea in your head that the enlish and the epics are borrowing from one another?? it seems like you're just making up your own points to argue ....with your self, at that. i mean, you act like you're talking to me, but really you're just taking to your self. do you read these posts on LSD? You refference the enuma to accounts of babylon, telling me that you yourself see similarities in genesis, then later in the same sentence try to tell me that you dont' see similarities at all. like are you listening to your self man?? are you suffering form some unique formof retardation?
Nords and Celts are very different. Thats like saying all orientals look the same or all black people are just ape-like folk.

Nords = Northern Europe
Celts = Western Europe

Nords = Blonde hair, tall, scavengers
Celts = Tribal, Brown/Red Hair, Average in height

nords and celts are different how, their appearances?? so? i'm talking about their culture, which isn't very different at all. everything you just named is based on subjective appearance. I have said or implied absolutely jack shit about nordic/celtic appearance as a commonality. I'm talking about CULTURE. Like...the god of "wisdom" that lives in the heavens and wields a hammer for example is found in another religion, also living in the heavens... and also has a hammer. That = commonalities. the shit you're talking about?? i dunno WHAT the fuck that is. truthfully, i don't think you do either.

The Nords and the Celts are as similar as the romans and the greeks. same gods with the same uses, just with different names and appearances (Obviously to match the culture of the people). they even use the same runes, same religious practices, same folklore, same mythologies, etc etc.

and with that said.. i still fail to see what the fuck you're crying about.


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