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Old 12-10-06, 02:55 AM   #9
New to RV
Posts: 33

you won't reach 7-0, so don't be upset once it's not done
'cause dth will still give you the seed..
..even if against me you got sonned
decent hit, nothing special
^ this ain't the little league.. but that's the sorta thing i can diss
cause ur punches are alot like those five yr olds..
.. a swing & a miss
this is ok


I've beaten u alot lately n im getting defensive duke
cuz I am heading to 7-0...but thats JUSS against you
na, this is stupid
you trying to go to clubs and throw money around there
n I still couldn't see T ball. if 5 yr olds were starting a baseball career
this was cool

1st punches from both of yall were weak, pretty much 2nd vs 2nd, and i thought rogers 2nd was nicer.. and the fact ora had to feed off glocks to get his last punch, was quite lame, if it had of been dope, but it was decent so...

vote - roger glocks
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