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Old 12-11-06, 08:43 AM   #2
K Illa
Banned: Pink Slipped
Posts: 171
From: Chicago

What type of black man..wanna be Taliban?..I cant comprehend
why not strap a bomb to ya chest..a blow ya ass back to Pakistan
You wanna meet Allah? geek..i bury you so deep you can see Jim Hoffa
you weak B..Terrorist please..he the sheep..and me?..Im Mustafa
This nigga swearin he PLO..but he so hoe..he at home playin wit tickle me Elmo
this dude dumber than Kelso..burinin flags like he the Arabian Mob
well if this bitch Hezbolah then Im merkin this jerk like the Massod
Givin this bitch the wanna die so bad..I'll introduce you to God
all ya warrior talk is fake it's all a fassad..I'll bomb dude like a JiHad
so he can meet is 75 virgins who all fat bitches that look Lik Dick Dirbin
this Jerk couldn't match the my magic if his middle name was Merlin
you a Nerd friend why you wanna be A-rab? when he weeker than Dekaf
why don't you just kill your self and take a TNT bath wit ya geek ass
Nigga see you on the Ave we don't see terrorist we See-fag swallow a meat-bag
Duech-bag If you wanna be Habib so bad go get a job drivin a street-cab
Or pump Gas cuz these wanna be middle-east thaughts are crazy you Fugazi
If you the Palistinians well then bitch Im the Israili killin ya babies
fuckin Gacey only Dukes this dude ever put up is some Daisey's
if you the Muslem Im the Jew keepin you out of the Gaza Strip and Jeruselem
Im them soidiers Tanks, Helicopters and patriot missels abusin-them
Im Jesus beatin the shit out Mohammad for being a false flaggin Prophet
I'll have this fag family dressed in that all Black like them Gothics
If you the insergent then bitch Im that Air Force Pilot in the Cock-Pit
wit a bomb bout to drop-it Im the Microwave you the Hot-pocket
You can't stop this hot shit tell you what to do Ock.."Quit" get ya lips
off Bin Laddins Dick
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