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Old 03-06-03, 11:21 PM   #6
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
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Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon

Originally posted by varentao
As Necro said, 'epic' poetry is where you gotta go...but that aint much help...

Basically you gotta start off with a structure... do that, firstly write your life story in a periodic way...dividing it up...i.e. when you were 5-8 - write about your time then...8-13...same....13-18...etc. etc....(the age thing is just an example)....

After doing that, allocate each 'part' to about 4-8 lines...maybe more....

and keep doing that....

The order of what happened doesn't matter...well it does...but i mean you could put the end (where you are now) at the beginning...or something like that...

I think that should help....

but basically plan it out...i mean maybe use four lines for something that isn't as important...but something more important, use 8 lines...stuff like that...allocate each part with a certain amount of lines...(am i repeating myself?!...damn....)...

...Anyway, if you need further help, post this up in the Poetic Scriptures section...

Oh sure, if you wanted to be HELPFUL you could write that. Bajeezus. What ever happened to endowing the lesser beings with the blessings of common sense?
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