Thread: Yo crackheads?
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Old 12-11-06, 06:55 PM   #1
Feeble Mind
New to RV
Posts: 26
Yo crackheads?


I have a question. I'm hoping the majority of you don't have experience with crack but what would happen in this scenario.

Say you had an abnormally innoncent, non street wise child or even though this sounds cruel a mentally disabled child with no concept on drugs & you made them smoke crack would they be addicted to crack?

As strange as this is I just got told crack is really addictive. But what if you gave this person a spliff & told them it was just marijuana. Would the person crave crack if they didn't realize what they were smoking?

Imagine it in this scenario. Everyday you had a pill that had a specific taste that you never experienced before & you never saw where the pill came from or what it actually is .. would you be addicted to that craving?
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