Thread: Ruined...
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Old 12-15-06, 04:50 AM   #20
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
You guys are sounding like major trippers..

And dont be some pompus shitbag and act like I just havnt come to any big realisations yet because saying everything youve ever learnt is compleatly wrong is a big statement and if your not going to explain yourself properly then this thread is worthless...

Now, why is your reality all wrong? Why has the world you live in 'ruined you'?

Its obvious you know of no other reality in existance therefore stating that this one is wrong is like saying chicken shouldnt taste like chicken..

What opposite ultimate are you going off that you believe should be the 'correct' reality?

Who are you to say I have not experienced a different kind of reality? Or even that I have not seen this reality for what it is?

I am ruined, in that I have been made to think a certain way, and act in accordance to certain beliefs and ideas, that I myself did not choose to.
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