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Old 12-15-06, 03:47 PM   #4
King Solo
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Posts: 17,012

Seriously, you fucking suck major ass. Keep that 2003 noob style on BS you weak piece of shit. Its past time somebody fucking whored you right off this site.

Peep the keystyle..

Dude, you're straight trash.. you'll never dominate me physically
'Coz ure skill is so low, after this battle you'll catch the boot - LITERALLY!
We battled before 'n' I floored ya, hell.. I'd fight 3 of ya and beat ya G
And I don't mean 'coz last time ya dropped 3x the lines..
.. and I still took the votes pretty easily.
But yo, fuck me.. ure the dopest.. and I do not take that back
I'll truthfully say skillwise K-Illa.......... IS 100% FUCKING WACK
Now lets talk real.. I've got a question for you, I'm serious Illa
You said..
Originally Posted by K Illa
I hate the fact my brother and father murdered in the same fuckin year.

Kid you can talk tough and such, pump up your weight 'n' gas
'Coz I'll make a flyweight.. no longer for me to bring the swatter down on his ass
And as occupations go.. K'll take anything that pays a good buck
So he'd kill in the industry..
'Coz his manager would pay him a shit load just to shut the fuck up
You've been whored 3 times in LBL, you must know your through
'Coz ure 1-2-1 combo is pointless, seeing as though you'd suck in that league to
You homeless bitch.. living on the poor side of the streets must really suck
But on the flipside.. Ah, who am I kidding..
.. on that side your still fucking BROKE AS FUCK!
Now I'll finish with a lesson, 'coz I've just had a revelation
And my final bar against you, will show an example of you making serious elevation
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Get the fuck back to BallerStatus you gay bitch.
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