Thread: Ruined...
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Old 12-16-06, 03:04 AM   #29
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Living in the woods......Its called escapism. If you wish to escape the reality you were born into, then live as a hermit in the woods and create your own reality of life and existance outside of the bounds of the world culture. I think you misunderstood the figure of speech in that comment bro. I also already knew the word dichotomy, but thats only in relation to the said comment here, you may aswell pass over the comment compleatly, it wasnt a instrumental part to my argument anyway, it was sarcasm saying "if you really feel so strongly that youve been wronged, then you may aswell fuck off too the woods and live the way you choose".. Get it? No?

Now your arguing against rebellion, so in effect, your agreeing with me. But my point is that we only know of one universe, and to say youve been ruined by it and you think all the wrong things is like saying apples are wrong, they shouldnt look like that! ....Life is wrong, it should all be different....??? Cmon man..

Moving to a hermitage somewhere may help a little bit, but by no means is it completely necessary OR effective for what I am trying to do.

I never said I was ruined by this universe, I said I was ruined by "my" reality, "my" conceptual reality. By saying it is wrong, I am saying it is insufficient, manipulative, deceptive, not true, etc.
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