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Old 12-17-06, 12:46 PM   #1
Beginning Your Ending
Posts: 1,236
Here's a DOPE tip for all you potheads/weed smokers/stoners etc


Read the fucking thread fool

So word, yesterday I skinned up a spliff and decided to add a secret ingredient that would give it that extra boost. So I went downstairs and pulled out a packet of... wait for it... SUGAR, and sprinkled it into the joint. Obviously I had much more skunk and backy than sugar, but I added it to flavour it. So I had a joint that I rolled without any sugar, and it was nice because it was some good shit, then I had the sugar joint on the way to the train station walking down the main road and FUCK ME. Not only did it burn much much slower but the sugar made it more potent and gave me a sugar rush coupled with the kick from the skunk. I was completely and utterly fucked from 3 till 6 and still pretty monged from 6 till about 10. It was an awesome trip man, I was completely fucked. I was sat on the train laughing hysterically at absolutey nohing and had all these people look at me. And was talking to these random chavs and just laughing none stop.

I've been smoking weed since before the Summer twice a week so it's not like I'm inexperienced with th shit either. Trust me, put sugar in a spliff and the effects are tremendous.
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