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Old 12-18-06, 06:20 PM   #1
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599
Round 2 Playoff Preview: Written By Tha Don of Mics


Well this is Round 2, and the battles are bought to get crazy big...

Last weeks battle's were alright...alot of no shows??? Whats up with that shit??


Last round: 1-3 (not my best ever)

Punchline of the week
u'll think im the revlon lady after i fuck this queer up
cuz my knife'll skin tone so even his complexion will clear up
Made crazy punch dropped by one came close to it

Battle of the Week:
None, all the battles were lame, 2 no show's.....and all the others were....well not up to par..

My Predictions for This Week

Upset Special
4.N. Taverez vs 12. Tha Don of Mics
Well, Well, seems like I did move on. Daubs dropped a no show, and I got to advance. This week will test my skill (if i even have any) and really see if i stand a chance.
Tav has a been a force to recon with in this league, and I'm sure he will drop fire. I cant really say that i would vote agaisnt him, and i doubt anyone else will. But i need an upset speical. So fuck you, this is my Upset of the week
Winner: Tha Don

3. Red Bull vs 6. Spek
Spek came good last week agasint Germ. Fuck he proved me wrong. But i still dont think he stands a chance against Red Bull. Red has a unique talent to really make people look like ass's of themselfs. So, I gotta stick with him.
Vote: Bull (shit)

Battle of the Week
2. Datruth vs 7. Te Ora
Ok, this is my battle of the week. I dont think any other battle will be as close as this one. Te got stood up last week, n i feel like Ora is gonna drop fire this week agaisnt Datruth. I feel like i'm really stiffin Datruth, homie let me into the playoffs, so as much as i wanna give my nod to Datruth, i think Te will surprise people.
Vote: Te

1.Roger Glocks vs 8. Picture Perfect
This battle will be a good one as well, but Glocks is a beast.....and....i just can't see him losing. Picture's style is different then most of the other battlers i've seen drop. So maybe that will be a good advanatage in this one. I think this could be just as close as Datruth and Te Ora, and maybe you'll be surprised to see Glocks get clowned. But i dont see it happening in my crystal ball.
Vote: Glocks

Well mother fuckers, i'm goign to work tommorow, i wont be back till Friday
I hope everyone drops sick and does well. If people actually drop this week, i'll expand my lil "mag" and keep it growing.
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