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Old 12-20-06, 01:59 AM   #9
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599

^^^ I know it is, I have lots of dope ideas for this league. I agree, Nick's way was pretty dope... I'm not gonna do that here, but in the future i prolly will

I can see its 0-0 on scale, But we are not evenly matched, jerk
'Coz your known for elevatin the weight--->along with snoozes from your last verse
This concept just didn't work... the idea of scales weights/waits just seemed a bit of a stretch and not really hard hitting... there isn't really a way I could work this same idea dopely. However, if I were to do this same idea, I prolly woulda made the punchline like "Ur known for liftin' weights...that always fail during Crunch time".. or relate some other excercise into it.. i dunno, not much to work with here
And dawg, this kid brings gifts to a battle, man I must be dreamin
'Coz I get a big W for Christmas ...and all I May'hem, was a casket to sleep in
Concept here is cool, but too basic and not even really a punch.. like say just the punchline to yourself and ask "would this offend me?" In this case, not at all. I woulda done this bar something like this"
Just surrender, for christmas my girl sent me a letter
N' said She May'Hem.. is just a discription of ur gender

This bastard is leakin, he should follow the light and stair way...Repeatedly
S'what most folks do when they see 'Mayhem, they ^------^ Immediately
I honestly don't understand this line... light and stair repeadetly? I get the stare/stair thing, but I don't get how it relates or what you were going for. Since I don't really know I can't help you much but say this wasn't worded well lol
You'v never defeated me, Even in you dreams where things happends
'Coz I'll crunch this flake into the sea---> or till his face is Capt'n'
concept here is pretty fresh so good shit with that. I don't like the setup here since its really not related at all so work on fixing the relationship... this wasn't bad tho, could be worded better as its very indirect. The way u went with this is okay, but I woulda went with the flake wordplay.. maybe something lke this:
Always runnin' from good rappers so I'll slap this chump
U fuckin' Flake so much, ur face looks like it was Capt n' Crunch'd

So how's it feel to be eaten alive in a verse, 'coz this's your last bout
'Coz like Butler, I aint drop in ranking ...I just stayed back after 5 to toss some of the trash out
i hate when people conclude like this.. with one of those "i just destroyed you" type punches.. dude, this isn't a fuckin' novel, u don't need a "conclusion" that sums shit up. Basically write out all your punches, then spread out your best ones.. make sure ur closer and opener are one of ur better ones... i can't reword this really, I don't think it coulda been good

May'hem and Capt Crunch shit were cool, the rest I wasn't feelin'... hope that helps dawg
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