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Old 12-21-06, 04:55 PM   #8
Posts: 112


i do not know your beef with nick so i wont speak on it, but what i will say in
regards to your statement is your right, dudes need to welcome cats for the
benefit of the site, but you have to meet them half way, and to be honest
with you, ive noticed you do not take advice well, you take it personally,
you need to humble yourself to the fact not everyone is going to think your
stuff is as good as you feel it is, how you choose to deal with it is key, if
you dont want feed you should drop in the cypher, if you do want feed
then pay the respect to other peices with decent feed and hopefully they
will do the same for you, honestly you have potential, but my advice to
you is patience...hone your are at about 70-80% of where you
could be, humble yourself to that fact and i know you will be better for it,
but if you continue with your current attitude you will continue to be
banned or pinkslipped, think about it ...good luck to you fam, like i said
how you choose to deal with advice is up to you...

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