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Old 12-26-06, 10:08 AM   #7
Middle Weight
Posts: 651

Nostradamus' bit on Jesus was correct. He was actually just a short brown man named Yeshua bin Yosef al-Nazarene who was just a Hebrew Teacher. The story of Jesus as presented in the four gospels of the New Testament is essentially a piece of fiction. There are no authentic references to such a figure in the works of any historians of the early 1st century CE. Paul, for instance, was supposedly Jesus contemporary, yet he never claimed to have met him in the flesh or to have met anyone else who had done so, he encountered him only in visions, as a spiritual being. This is where Jesus became divine and no longer the average hebrew man.

There is a cultural assumption that there are many alien civilizations. Life in the form of microbes or their equivalents is very common in the universe. But in my opinion, there is complex life out there, but human like creatures with reason and deep introspection have got to be pretty uncommon. If you read the book "Rare Earth", the author explains why beings like us would be very rare in the universe. But, scientists have found that deep in the earth, with no sunlight or a lot of hydrogen, odd living creatures have been able to thrive in sulfurous springs and other crazy conditions. So you just never know.

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