Thread: The LBL Cypher
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Old 12-29-06, 03:29 AM   #28
Trill OG
Posts: 442

You suck ass and the fact your shits played, leaves us with a wow son
Seriously you think for two weeks,
He tried to double his .500 rec, thinking he could get to a thousand!
You just need to stop your raps suck stick to water polo, rugby & stuff
Dull son of a bitch is LackLuster, cuz all of his girlfirends were ugly as fuck!
And don't stop with the compliments note: what his closer said, stop
Read back you remedial son of a bitch you just fucking said I was hot!
What a fag I see how you are now thanx chump, now I'll cut his gizards out
Now here come so nameplays...
I'll lauch him off his house, it'll be so ComPlex he wont be able to figure out
Coming to own you and your wack ass posse I'll slash you with a razor, bud
& shave your mug poor it in a baby cup so you can fucking tatse your blood
I'm crazed as fuck yes I know bitch I'll drop knowledge on your soft ass
Take slates & follow by breaking a bottle and cutting you with the top half
Word herb just stop please as you can see, aint no stopin me now dude
He moved in his new house...
As soon as they knew you were Comedian, it brought down the property value
GBA Champion

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