Thread: The LBL Cypher
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Old 12-30-06, 04:52 AM   #36
King Solo
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Posts: 17,012

Yeah, basically you all fucking suck. 40 Lines against Wordz wasn't nearly enough for me to whore all you pieces of shit. But we know Wordz can't manage any more than 10 lines before he starts to suck ass. So, fuck you all.. catch this beating.


I'm the one guy with one style that drops lines w/out feelin' fatigue
So I'll drop one time 'coz one line is enough to own every guy in this league
The whole league will feel this as I hit 'em all hard 'n' hyper
After dissin' the dope heads in that battle, I'm catchin' the rejects in the cypher
All these brawls I had this week, I have to stop and take a moment
'Coz my ass is wiped from the battles..
See my punches are postal, and this guy Crime'll get beat when I'm sendin 'em
'Coz the only lines worth seeing from him, are the ones at the end of 'em
And this is Ahgodz domain, but hey.. peep this raw bash
In our battle I dissed you zero times, and still whooped your ass
Saw your cypher drops to, and it seems they expose the truth
How they mimic your sex life..
.. AKA they take 5 minutes and still fail to produce
Hera, I'm told your the next Bond and the movie'll be a sequel, serious
They're calling it Die Another Day 2: Better Yet, Just Die Period
But hey, I can't beat thee G.. honestly, I mean it bub
'Coz I'm told you hang with the best - of the two inches or less penis club.
Who else? Final, dude.. next to me your styles a straight switch
See, whilst I style 'n' bomb.. your style IS to just bomb bitch
And your verse this week, needless to say it was shockingly gay as fuck
But you said..
Originally Posted by Final.
Just A Key.
Thought You Were No Showin`.

.. AKA "I don't really wanna say that I suck."
Back to my boy Wordz though, I see his changed name is yet to be smashed
But lets face it guy, in life you sucked.. and InDeath you'll still be trash
Vitticus, I half-assed and lost to this guy.. but I'll still rope 'n' hook this wussy
'Coz I thought it was V For Vendetta... not fucking V For Virtually a Total Fucking Pussy
I'm serious Artistik, you've fallen off completely so now your rhymes lack
But they say wackness is an art... or is that Art is just fucking wack?
I see we got new blood to, so nameplays'll come fast and thick
So Trunks'll feel the heavy load..
.. when I pull him up 'n' around my legs to support my dick
I'll smash you regardless, your weak and gay, thats the truth, putz
'Coz we don't need no elephants to see Trunks coppin' them nuts
All you guys could swarm against and I'll smack you in a large amount
And capitalise on every word you spit as if Stanza hacked my account
Yes, I ain't forgot this bum.. he's shit so I'll smash this geek well
'N' the only thing worse than his weak ass drops..
.. are the even more pathetic ones he drops in the WBL.
Moving on, lets hit them homo's.. even though its a played trend
That still exists 'coz lets be honest..
.. the last person to be Inhuman was his faggot boyfriend
And losers to, we have them in mass.. and Sonny you fall with them slim
'Coz an L is so often associated with SD.. all the addicts wanna inject him
Now I'm not racist, but blacksilence and black star got no clout
I repeat.. I'M NOT RACIST. But every black fucker needs to get booted out
One guy I like though is Ali G... this guy always gets me in a laughin trance
So I have but one question...
Your from Staines, so do you mean the place or the ones in your pants??
That's right bitch, your gay and your fucking movie sucked jew
But the sad thing is your alter ego made one, AND THAT SUCKED ASS TO
Fact - RapGod is a fat homeless bum who I once went to meet
And he was at home all like ROFL - in the middle of the fucking street
Something I find ironic though, is that him and wordz are never mean
So we've got two almighty Godz who are two of the weakest battlers I've ever seen.
Appo, I saw your verse this week.. and Ace no showed, but its no surprise
'Coz I ain't seen Bond associated with that much trash since Tomorrow Never Dies
And that chink bitch from the movie, she inspires my punches to smash
See her name was Wai Lin -
- which is exactly what I'll be doing on your homo ass.
Toy Story turns my dick into a powerhouse, I'll crush this weedhead maggot
So Joe, you can bring your Buzz and my Woody'll still own you faggot
The dope heads are wack to, Feebs used to have a style that was shatterin'
Now he comes under par so often I'd swear Tiger Woods was battlin
Suck ass bitch I'll leave you rattlin'.. my LBL run'll be long lived
'Coz the only reason I waste punches is to show you what yours belong with
Faime likes to rape this cypher, but he'll get beat yet
With a colossal amount of lines..
.. to rival the amount of times he's had his LBL record reset
True, your concepts are old and they remind me why I think rock is the bomb
'Coz I fucking love Queens of the Stone Age <--- which is where you dug your lines from
And I seen your girl, what a fat bitch!! She scares mine..
Who just happens to fear a Teletubby..
.. which is what your girl would be called if she got airtime
I've owned this cypher, its nuthin but a thread of wrecked geeks
So on a closing note, DTH... I want a fucking loss removed next week

That's right, eat fucking shit and die. Thinking I'm drained from all my battles, I'll whore you all any time of the fucking week.
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