Thread: The LBL Cypher
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Old 12-30-06, 06:16 AM   #38
King Solo
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Posts: 17,012

Lick my nuts you gay faggot. You are fucking garbage and you are bringing this cypher down with your trash. Face facts and realise that I own you.

And now to finish off the rest of the league...

Flip this..

Thought I was done, hell no.. I've just begun on set
And I'll take 10 bars to show DTH 'n' Wordz how to ACTUALLY flip a concept
Lets begin.. we know your both gay, but you keep it fresh right
'Coz you implement new rules to this league, and now a dildo to ure sex life
My skill is enlarging.. what the fuck jew!
I didn't even flip that word and still flipped it better than both of you
But my apologies go out to Trus, and Wordz his homo spouse
'Coz I tossed a verse to the heap to get scrapped - and demolished half their house
Trus ain't that pathetic.. its wordz this bar'll rip
See I was keeping this bar special to show the word his wack ass couldn't flip
(don't edit your verse faggot)
This week has had a theme though, and I don't mean to toot my own horn again
But dominates basically describes me regardin this cypher 'n' every battle I've been in
And this next word, well it'll be flipped the same you can bet
So lets talk ass entities and focus on how its two things both of you'll never get
Kemp you suck.. all these words just result in flips to call guys queer
'Coz we all know DTH likes to lick head..
.. and I ain't talking about the foam that tops a beer.
Now kindly jump off faggot, ure ass is total wackness as a whole
You were a bad boy all year..
.. but your so trash Santa didn't even bring you coal.
Wordz, don't you know I'm your father.. although I regret the marriage
To your moms 'coz she sounds so hoarse..
.. they strapped reigns on her and got her to pull the carriage.
Stupid bitch! I'll mash your ass.. you can't climb at me, ure talents fewer
And your so poor the only thing you can climate..
.. is the fucking ladder that leads out of your sewer.
That about covers that.. and sadly you'll both only get worse
So next time use words like garbage, shit, trash..
.. and you can flip them to describe each others verse.

But wait, the rest of you all suck to..... so here's a fast keystyle.....

Keyed you suck truly.. and voters most certainly left you rattled
'Coz they ragged on ure skills so badly, you no showed for our other battle
But even if you dropped... people would still see me rape this
See, whilst I may suck from time to time.. gay guys tell me you blow on a daily basis
ENOUGH! ENOUGH! The gay jokes are no longer allowed
So instead I'll hit you with a sweet donkey punch that'd make Eddie Murphy proud
I'm the high rollin motherfucker, and this next guys poor as hell, yup..
I was counting bills and Mr. Benjamin and his broke ass snatched it up
Who cares if nameplays are old.. ure still a fucking bum
And I'll give you such a swift beating - then invite the rest of D12 to come get some
Prosecutor, that can't be your job 'coz you'd never win
Last time you came with a conviction..
.. was shooting your load all over ya mom's chin
HAHA! I'm actually lying, because the truth is quite hurtin
His whole family is into incest religiously and his ass is STILL a virgin
GREVISS must be a herb.. and his skills are unbelievable ass
But his bars do make the world stand up... for a better aim when they start throwin trash
I can't stand the bullshit, so someone please get this hack to quit
'Coz he gets beat down so often some would swear he's a masochist
You don't wanna test me guy, I'm brutal.. I do not fake this
So be prepared for the backlash, like when ure dad plays dominatrix
I'll finish this up, slap that guy RyP-6 until he's bled
And make this a brief case - like the one I'll bash upside his head
Your a fat guy right, don't lie.. your weight is immense gay
But I'll swamp you with more bars than even YOUR fat ass can't eat in one day
You wouldn't pink slip battle me, I'll still get you banned on time
Simply by saying "CANDY, CANDY".. and having your fat ass bite this line.

Now I am really done. And you are all still wack. Have a nice day.
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