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Old 12-30-06, 06:13 PM   #15
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

what makes you think superior alien life hasn't existed on this planet for thousands of years and integrated themselves into our way of life. or should i say, integrated us into their way of life.

adolph hitler knew alien life existed. and he saught them out to the furthest reaches of earth and came back with their technology when he created (and is pictured in) his nazi-made "flying disk" (what you'd call a UFO), as well as using alien dna spliced with human DNA to grow his Master Race. Hitler idolized the briliance of the ruling alien class when he unlocked the unity of occultism, religion, and alien life. the entire third reich is but a stencil of their mindset "giftwrapped" with a bow of their technology for hitler in exchange for what they needed him to give to them.

what do you think was really going on in those concentration camps, just erradiction? some of the furthest advancements in biomedical sciences came from the morbid experiments adolph hitler ran on the jews. pretending to hate jews was just a means to rouse anti-semites into delivering millions of guinnea pigs and human sacrifices to him and putting him into power.

btw, john f kennedy (as well as every president in us history) knew that aliens existed. kennedy was set to disclose this information to the public the same day his plans were cut short by an inconvenient hail of bullets and un-caught gunmen. his speech was still written on the card in his jacket pocket.

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