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Old 01-02-07, 04:20 PM   #4
King Solo
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Front Lines Battle Club

Joe Kronix and A.G. Wordz are outside the Front Lines Battle Club attempting to freestyle. The place is bustling, well.. lets be honest, there are like five people waiting to get in so that is fucking extremely active for Front Lines.

KRONIX: Check it, your moms a fat slut, trailer trash and came from the gutter // and she spreads her legs so easily they could substitute for butter // did I st-st-stutter, no motherfucker. don't laugh I ain't being funny // just fucking bow down before me and gimme your lunch money.

WORDZ: .......................... Right.

KRONIX: That was funny. LAUGH BITCH!!

WORDZ: AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Shit son, you're fucking mad dope.

KRONIX: Yeah bitch. Look, here comes that faggot Jones and his little house bitch Marvin.

WORDZ: Oh shit yo, did you hear.. Marvin done got himself some Herb Torrets disease.

KRONIX: Does that shit get me lunch money?

WORDZ: I don't think so.


Marvin Jay and Serb Jones come walking up the street outside Front Lines. Serb looking nervous as ever clutches Marvin's hand. Marvin doesn't realise this as he is too busy twitching like a crack addict with withdrawal symptoms and shouting out random words.


SERB: Shut the fuck up idiot.

KRONIX: Whassup Serb? What you got on my lunch money?

WORDZ: Dude, you've already been down this road. He ain't got shit. You wanted a candy bar, remember?


WORDZ: Aight ma'fucka.. chill son.

KRONIX: Serb, what you got on my candy bar?

SERB: I didn't know what you like, so I just got a load of them for you.

Joe grabbed Serb and hauled him off his feet and hung him upside down shaking all the candy bars free from his pockets.

WORDZ: AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Shake that motherfucker Joe.

KRONIX: Bitch! Get down and pick up my candy.

MARV: Queens Early!! Ghetto bitches!! WOOT!! MarvJay dooood!

KRONIX: Jay, you better keep your mouth closed before I smack your ass to.


Joe dropped Serb on his head, much to the pleasure of Wordz, even Marvin and especially everyone else watching. He then power-slapped Marvin so hard round the head the little crack head twitching retard went rocketing through the wall of Front Lines.

WORDZ: AHA! Bitchslapped right into Front Lines, now thats some shit you don't see every day.

Then, out of the immense hole that Marvin's flying trailer trash ass made in the side of Front Lines came... wait for it, you'll never guess........ FUCKING BIG DADDY CPROGRESS!! His raggedy ass came storming out with purpose like he just got told he's about as worthy as a steaming pile of horse crap.

CPROGRESS: God damn you strobe you fucking piece of shit. I hate you. This piece of shit you call Front Lines is deader than R-Rated's girlfriend after she saw his crooked dick.

And following him, HOLY SHIT!! It's MC System.

MC SYSTEM: Yeah, what the fuck strobe. I ain't even battled in this piece of shit and bitches be saying that I lost and shit. What the fucks up with your crooked ass?

GOV. STROBE: Get the fuck outta here you stupid motherfuckers. I am the fucking Governor of this bitch, I fucking own this whole County. You ain't shit. I can't believe I even went into business with you Progress, you're the dumbest motherfucker I've ever met in my life. YOU'RE FIRED!!

CPROGRESS: Fuck you man, I QUIT!!

Big Daddy C stormed off, but when he hit the street he ran straight into the giant Joe "Powerhouse" Kronix. And you all know, there is only one thing ever on Joe Kronix' mind.

KRONIX: Whassup C? What you got on my lunch money?

CPROGRESS: Get the fuck outta my face kid! I'm a grown ass man, I ain't got no lunch money.


A one time power punch and Joe Kronix obliterated Big Daddy C. The force of the blow completely tore his head off and light years from now it will be reported flying past some far off distant planet. MC System eyed up the carnage, and just like the pussy his none battling and still losing ass is, he fled back into Front Lines.

MC SYSTEM: Fuck that shit man. Strobe, don't fire me. I'M SORRY!! I'd rather be the loser who makes sure battlers show up than get bitch stomped by that hairy ogre out there.

KRONIX: Yeah bitch, YOU BETTER RUN!! And don't let me see you without my lunch money!!

SERB: Can I go home now? My moms found some leftover burgers outside of Wendy's and she's cooking them sons of bitches up on the fire for us back at the trailer park.

WORDZ: Leftovers from Wendy's !?!?!? I guess CALI's feeling generous or something.

SERB: So, can I go?

KRONIX: What you got on my lunch money?

SERB: Huh, I ain't got nothing. You know that.

KRONIX: You ain't got my lunch money, then I guess its STOMPING TIME.

Just then, some serious gangsta ass hip hop music echoed up every street in RapVerse County, despite the fact that it is literally impossible for that to happen unless there was some thumping systems in every street..... but whatever, this is RapVerse where even the impossible is possible. After all, Serb actually gets props from some people.
Joe, Wordz and Serb stared off down the street. Even Marvin's crippled ass made an appearance to see the commotion... still twitching like a motherfucker of course. A long run of black limousines came rolling through the street and came to a stop outside of Front Lines. The doors opened and.........


Next week on RapVerse: The Series...

Will A.G. Wordz realise he is Joe Kronix' bitch?
Will Serb finally have Joe's lunch money?
Will Marvin stop twitching?
Will Mr. Cookies find something new to say?
What gangstas have fallen upon RapVerse County in their limo's?
How the fuck did they get music to play in every street?
And most importantly...
Will they get power-slapped by the almighty Joe Kronix?

Tune in next week to find out.
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