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Old 01-02-07, 05:25 PM   #2
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599

Verse of the Week

There were two verses which I felt were deserving. Rather than deciding between both, we have two winners this week.

Nick Fletcher (Fuck You All Battle)

Wordz, you're just fucking lucky I can't diss you. But I'll still whore you bitch.

Lets start off with my dude Joseph, Appocolyptik...

Remember when we battled the first time and you closed with this...
Originally Posted by Appocolyptik
Lets end on a simple note, cause all your punches hit soft
We're done trading blows... and I'm feeling fucking ripped off

And like a while before that battle, Seyance dropped this on RB...

Originally Posted by -seyance-
It's what i was paid to throw, until now i dint know you spit soft..
Because we're here tradin' blows... and im feelin' kinda ripped off..

well ummm.. flip this..

i guess that's how you roll, ure tactics are exposed on set
and now i'm feelin' ripped off.. but without actually biting that concept
ure opinion means nothin, get set for a god-like drummin
'coz u told me Ahgod is trash..
.. so it must burn you 'coz a god impregnated ure woman
i see that glocks left, well his inbred country ass'll still get bashed 'n' shit
and my hits'll give him such a sweet red neck, he'll most prolly wanna marry it.
kid can't handle this, its why he's never stepped to me
'coz i'd buck roger'so hard i'd fuckin annihilate the 25th century
i heard final's like one of those clown toys in how girls reject his cock
except u ain't got to wind him up to see his head fly out a box
kid always gets rocked with shots, so don't be shocked when i floor him
'coz he's such a hack every computer nerd is desperate for him
i've seen this guy wireless around, dudes got double the clout
he reps bluetooth on his ear, and fucking yellow ones in his mouth
good battlers like competition and they caught a glimpse of this geek
and thats wireless amount of dope heads sign up each week
we got a new champ.. but even john'll get ripped see
'coz Hen a see the kind of punches comin' that'd make a guy tipsy
his reps a fake you see.. but he won't get bashed by me as such
i'll just slash down the middle of a DR. - and reveal why he wins so much
ure a disrespectful little fucker, and a dumb fuck with no chance to redeem
when i gave hens the chance to save face..
.. he went and tried to hire the rest of the A-Team.
blacksilence.. its not just me dude, everyone discriminates jew
see the world is mostly black 'n' white..
.. but everyone's pulling together to eliminate you
and i have one question to ask, before i finish this bash
how the fuck can silence be golden, and at the same time spit straight trash
IT'S HOMO TIME NOW!!! Let the gay jokes ensue
'coz it ain't just Santa ya know, Phil B's also known to handle a sack or two
we both love the jungle book, but it only inspires me to drop my hardest
whilst it pumps me up like shere khan..
.. it just makes benjamin drop shere garbage.
and sonny is up there to.. his wackness 'n' gayness have found a balance
so no doubt u'll see me carry dimes out like i stole his yearly allowance
still you'll see him flex and try and knock the hustle
but him landin' a punch is such a long stretch, he'd prolly pull a muscle
little gay bitch.. always bringing that homo gay shit to the set
hell, last time sonny was in a free-for-all..
.. it was three dollars for all the male ass he could get.
someone told me DTH was dope, but dudes need to quit the gassin'
'coz last time Trus tried to raid shit even the flies were laughin
nah, ure dope really.. i'm truthfully not a hater
'coz ure just collecting wins - which proves it pays to be the moderator

Appocolyptik (Pierce Brosnan Diss)

Some Films Pierce Brosnan has starred in:

Mrs Doubtfire
Tommorow Never Dies
The World is Not Enough
Die Another Day
The Thomas Crown Affair

^Wai Lin, the Bond girl in Tommorow Never Dies

You cleanse the world of villains but we'll all be ignoring your gloats
Cause you might be the cleaning agent...
...But I'm the one sweeping the floor with the votes?
You looking like a BUM Pierce and your national image has lapsed
I mean last time you smashed the box office your whole house collapsed
Yeah you got fired from Bond, but we both know crying's for queers
& Why be upset about biting the bullet when you've been biting my style for years?
Wai Lins ugly as fuck and the two of you make a loathsome pair
But you couldn't put a chink in my armour if your bitch stole my clothes to wear
So you might like the Chili Peppers which in itself is scary and rare
Cause you love 'Under the Bridge' so much you won't mind when I bury you there
We're both acting as the super spy & the reputation's enormous
But 0.07 is just the percentage of people that rate your performance
You disgrace MI6, the government knew you'd never last as a mole
But I'll reverse JB...
...& Reveal what you had to give the director to get cast in the role
That's one way to do it & there was nothing else other than luck
But you'd be better of as timber transport cause your delivery's wooden as fuck
Thomas Crown fucking sucked, the reviews were wack and it's wrong
Cause you've NEVER worn a crown...
...& Affairs just the place your clownish acting belongs
With a wierd chin and a haggard look you've got the face of an ox
& Your jawlines dropped so low it resembles how your films place at the box
I could spray you with bullets or alternatively rip your spleens with a knife
But how will your profile say 'killed in action'...
...When you've never made an exciting scene in your life?
I'll defeat you in so many ways and leave you looking battered and shit
& Even science proves that you're the weakest Bond since the atom was split
We have faith that u bite my image so we can't see your style go wrong
But if there was a shadow of a doubt it's just cause you've been in mine so long
NO WONDER you don't shave when you're not exactly in lucks groove
Cause your careers been in such a rough patch it's making your chin look smooth
We both love martinis and I admire your drinking taste and respect it
Its's shaken and stirred... like the theatre floor as your audiences rush for the exit

Battle of the Week

This could have went to the Fuck You All Battle, but I felt Wordz came too inconsistent in it so a different one of his battles gets the honor this week.

DaTrusHurtz vs. Wordz Ahgod (Concept Flipping Battle)

Originally Posted by Wordz Ahgod
^ thanks a lot DTH...on the "follow the light and stair way repeatedly" I ment it as a different way of saying that you shoud die, repeatedly. I really did kinda lose steam on the last line. Iv really de-elivated a lot because I was out for a long time. 85% of you your suggestions where good and I liked the Capt n' Crunch'd line you made. Good shit fam.

Originally Posted by Wordz Ahgod (about elevation)
dammmmnnnn, I need my own thread? wow...Im

Attention all nerds n' vets, if u like hot nurses n' breasts
And u wanna see ass entities, just look at Wordz' verse n' his chest
Pussy faggot, ur punches are always missin' dude
Ur like beer foam...all it takes is a few taps to get rid of you
Makin' my league look newbish, but theres no need to sweat it
Cuz ur known to kindly give thanks...
... to me, when I help u from droppin' pathetic
I've tried helpin' u before, but yea now I'll be frank
Ur the baby carriage of text...
... u always go on long strolls down the ranks
Vets ALWAYS merk u, but once the result was more alarming
Cuz u had a photo finish...
... when u took ur pics to Kodak for enlarging
Always butcherin' bars, theres no way ur winnin' n' dude
Uve scrapped enough lines to the trash, environmentalists are startin' to sue
I said I would implement new ideas, I made an elevation thread for fucks
Its been out with the old and in with the new...
... excuses for why you STILL suck
I'm cleanin' the league, n' I'm now bannin' the fuckers
But ur worth keeping...
... quiet, with a blindfold on, down in the gutter
U've accomplished NOTHING at RV so I'll make fun of this gay
U'd take the league by a storm, but the climate is sunny today
Dominates? When Kempo was moddin, I faced this cunt n' yo
I now owe him...
... he gave a PERFECT word to describe our match from a month ago


yo, lets go DT...

Im elevating at rapid speed, and I enlarge my chances with out swaying
Coz This battle whent down hill for trus....
... well, thats what half the paramedics are saying
And Im peep'n as u implement thoughts, but ur a hipocritic son, indeed
DT's kicking wak heads out?...Then who the fucks else is gonna run this league?
Originally Posted by DatrusHurtz
We faced once before, and I emerged victorious.

What? ur mother must have moved, coz thats bullshit taking place
coz I emerged that day as well---> on her back, entities, and face
Ur just dead space, ur weak drive is really nothing to me
So It aint just your rhymes...
....even ur carriage like harry potter after each movie
N' if we battled before Trus...honestly yo, say when
Coz I'll murder u in a hood way, n' make the time of death around foAM
N' to tell the truth, I beet wimps every day till it hurtz
So with all bullshit aside...kindly find a place for ur verse
every day u get worst, n ur whole act is soft
Coz Datrus aint off the chain...
...not till they have scrapped em completely off the walls
Son, u killing this league slowly, this shit needs more then just endorcments
Coz I heard DaTruz dominates....Kempo with nipple peircings n' a horse whip
So now...U should die inside your ride, n rot where no one'll find samples
Coz this fag likes to climate guys daily, But its just routine for an asshole

there you go fam..20. G'luck doggy.

Winner: DaTrusHurtz

No-Show Shine

Te Ora (Barry Bonds Diss)

who is this fool??

.. i saw ur new movie. saw u blasting a gun or two
i found it funy how u were in the casino, and now native is running u
wait. that wasn't u? my bad. i always turn my back to thugs
2 me ur just anotha brotha synonymous with swinging bats 'n drugs
so cut the jig. really kid. ur gettin clowned when
i rock diamonds so big. u'll try and run around 'em
we both got brown skin, but it's more different than blood
cuz u keep furthering stereotype of brotha's being addicted to drugs
we should all be friends, but i'm just stating the truth
when i say i hate to see a bond between aaron & ruth
no ones checking 4 u. cuz u cheat to get ya cash
if there's ever dawgs in ur house they'll be sniffin for ya stash
ur an old man. past ur prime. me? i like to keep it ill
but if i eva reach ur age i'll overdose on sleeping pills
40+ & unmarried. that's not even the worse case
it must suck to get all those homers but neva get to 3rd base
i get girls homie. don't try to stunt on me cuzz
it must suck that ur only date was in court, in front of the judge

Roger Glocks (Jack The Ripper Diss)

Originally Posted by N.Tavarez
what you know about Albert Fish?

^^sickest human ever born!! trust me i read up on him..that dude was insane b4 insane was about him and realize humans are scary lol


U know Hannibal will stun ya like a pop quiz from a proffessor
and i eat your liver faster then 5489305843985430958 Liquors put together
JTR is lonely with a knive. I bet you were chubby and not light
So, you n Barry Zito have alot in common
... both left the Athletic Stage of their life
you wanna mess kid, with a flex spit that slams like wrestling
We dont have a picture of you in our head like every girl u ever had sex with
I see Jack the Ripper and Heratoga might cross paths in life, dawg
cuz JTR murders Hookers n next week Ace will get killed by the John
Every1 thinks he's a monster of a man but lookin at serial killers geeks
but u know his true indenity would look like Tony Blair mixed with Screech

Nick Fletcher (Christmas Concept Flipping Battle)

Fucking hell with battling you again man.

whatever, check this..

fuck being clever man, i don't need flipped concepts to beat you biff
i've two ropes, a REEF knot..
.. 'n' every LBL battler ready to toss a boulder off a cliff
but ure an up 'n' comer i'm told, ure weak ass still won't get no clout
i throw punches like santas REINDEER, aka - you'll feel the Blitzen get knocked out
even santa's got a grudge against ya, 'coz ure wackness is catching gay
and his pimp level took a serious blow after i went and Keyed his SLEIGH
i'm facing this guy a second time and now the truth is dawning
that keyed has a mean presence..
.. to make up for the PRESENTS he doesn't get christmas morning
yes its true he's monetarily challenged - basically poor 'n' gay
but his mom does hang him 2 STOCKINGS, and then he wears 'em the next day
this kids homo senses confuse him, and key don't deny ure shame
'coz ure the only guy who thought slide down the CHIMNEY was an all guys adult game
i know this is a bad time for you, the entire holiday for you is wack
even the GRINCH went 'n stole ure christmas, but it was so poor he gave it back
keys broke ass relocates at the holidays, and its true he's a bargain hunter
'coz his christmas TREE just so happens to be what he's now living under
truth be told key secretly loves christmas, and its no surprise
that his fav. part is the MISTLETOE 'coz its another excuse to kiss on guys
'tis the season 'n' all though so i'll give him props, it seems like he needs it
the guy has a face that LIGHTS up a room,and a stench that makes everyone leave it

Merry Christmas....... MOTHERFUCKER!!

DaTrusHurtz (Hard Liquor Diss)

This is a quick verse, but I'm not trippin' ya see dude
There's no worries... I could even Keystone and beat you
Fuckin' girly shit, now u won't be winnin' n' bitch
U wouldn't be Cruzan to victory even if u drank that pussy shit
Now sometimes ur shit can knockout a whore quicker
But I ain't talkin' drinkin' rules when I say beer comes BEFORE liquor
Hard liquor, now tell me what the fuck are you doing
Cuz if girls drink just one FIFTH of u they fuckin' start puking
U can self-hype if you want, but fag ur shit really sucks
Ur so bland, bartenders need 1000's of ways to mix u up
Originally Posted by DaTrusHurtz vs. JTR
Dude ur shit stinks, n' I dunno what this bitch thinks
But u've Pucker'd up so much, ur face could make me a mixed drink

I'm feelin' the win, n' I know u weren't meanin' to sin
But ur shits so bad, u got dissed in a battle u weren't even in!
Don't fuckin' lie to these folks, we can see that ur queer
How can u tell me ur good, our national pastime is peanuts n' beer
Comin' in fancy bottles, but there's no way u can trick me
The few good effects from u always fuckin' start Smirnoff quickly
Gettin' lots of pub, but ur worth none of the hype
This is the Trus here...EVERYONE needs a Bud in their life
Pussy die, cuz we all know that ur shit is a dud
N' of Coors... is what all of the REAL men are tendin' to chug

Appocolyptik (Pierce Brosnan Diss)

Some Films Pierce Brosnan has starred in:

Mrs Doubtfire
Tommorow Never Dies
The World is Not Enough
Die Another Day
The Thomas Crown Affair

^Wai Lin, the Bond girl in Tommorow Never Dies

You cleanse the world of villains but we'll all be ignoring your gloats
Cause you might be the cleaning agent...
...But I'm the one sweeping the floor with the votes?
You looking like a BUM Pierce and your national image has lapsed
I mean last time you smashed the box office your whole house collapsed
Yeah you got fired from Bond, but we both know crying's for queers
& Why be upset about biting the bullet when you've been biting my style for years?
Wai Lins ugly as fuck and the two of you make a loathsome pair
But you couldn't put a chink in my armour if your bitch stole my clothes to wear
So you might like the Chili Peppers which in itself is scary and rare
Cause you love 'Under the Bridge' so much you won't mind when I bury you there
We're both acting as the super spy & the reputation's enormous
But 0.07 is just the percentage of people that rate your performance
You disgrace MI6, the government knew you'd never last as a mole
But I'll reverse JB...
...& Reveal what you had to give the director to get cast in the role
That's one way to do it & there was nothing else other than luck
But you'd be better of as timber transport cause your delivery's wooden as fuck
Thomas Crown fucking sucked, the reviews were wack and it's wrong
Cause you've NEVER worn a crown...
...& Affairs just the place your clownish acting belongs
With a wierd chin and a haggard look you've got the face of an ox
& Your jawlines dropped so low it resembles how your films place at the box
I could spray you with bullets or alternatively rip your spleens with a knife
But how will your profile say 'killed in action'...
...When you've never made an exciting scene in your life?
I'll defeat you in so many ways and leave you looking battered and shit
& Even science proves that you're the weakest Bond since the atom was split
We have faith that u bite my image so we can't see your style go wrong
But if there was a shadow of a doubt it's just cause you've been in mine so long
NO WONDER you don't shave when you're not exactly in lucks groove
Cause your careers been in such a rough patch it's making your chin look smooth
We both love martinis and I admire your drinking taste and respect it
Its's shaken and stirred... like the theatre floor as your audiences rush for the exit

Phil Benjamin

ya bitch is huge you must be drunk thinking she hot
her pussy so big you need mapquest to find her G spot
the bitch smells like she aint take a shower in days
when she walks by a group of people,
..........they ask where's the sea food buffet
man your shits played an we aint reading it fuck
your verse is a message in a bottle,the shits washed up
Crumblin plans and the shots send'll leave his body hurt
Til the bones left wouldn’t even complete the Punisher's shirt
but fuck that i can tell ya cheap an you save ya bread
he ain't waste money on a beanie,
....he just strapped a colored comdon on his head
coming from nowhere...ya life musta really been shitty
i thought kazakhstan was one of those hotdog stands in the city
at least there's freedom of expression, its needless to be testing
Your talent is so small, looks like ya penis is impressing


^lmao@your comment,I mean really,aint no replace'n it.
u write sit'n on yer ass,but to me,it looks like ur trace'n it
This is a blow out,im takin this victory to the next round
So ill give u heads up,by destroy'n whats left from the neck down
if lam's not homo or queer,he's gotta be in the same viegn
Cuz flash was into guise,way before he had the option 2 change names
I'd come play'd 2 matches ur lines,but what can i say..
..that hasnt been said about ur verse,besides it was gay
im tired of this lames game,I spit the truth an strived
Lamp'll try to cross me out...only to end up get'n crucified!

Im Dope Man

Red is on point with rhyming,i be comming with blaze
& ill blow ya back out the water ..since you never wash up neways
your not ready A i lay whack fucks to rest
so ill kill this fucker ..since he drops dead at best
keep ya gaurd up sucka ..ill knock ya mouth outta place
& give this white dick a black eye ..& mistake his moms for that race
i drop dope bitch my punches come fast & switch gears
even if you dont no show ..ya verse'll look like it was never here
just a quick key for these bitch B
beat him with a W ..since thats somthing he's never seen
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