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Old 01-02-07, 05:26 PM   #3
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599

Wackest Battle of the Week

This is not an honor guys!

Faime S. Quotez vs. REMIS

Just stop rapping, cause all the verses you write are lame, herb
everything you 'dropping is a waste' like clumsy diaper changers
The worst line in my verse eliminates anything you say back
you ain't have to tell me you're new to RV. .
....cause your skill level portrays that!
This loss for you was destined before you were born, way back
...even before you chose to use the Internet to say raps!
You're plain whack, so when I'm finished, you'll lay flat
and like a 'woman's virginity lost'. .
...there's nothing you can do to change that!
You don't spray gats, don't lie in them metaphors in your bars
only way we'll see 'Rem with chrome' is 24s on a car


you comin with played metaphores you whore, you cant score
you want more, ill leave you sore when i kick you outa the door.

Winner: Faime S. Quotez

Top Punches

Lots of dope punches this week. Here was my top 30:

on new years i'll be gettng blasted, while this memory will be faded
cuz while im drinkin grey'll be trying to find one and rape it

30. Wireless vs. Infamouz

lemme start this out with insults..fuckin' listen to me man
screamed EARTH TO NICK<--then did it, over and over again

29. Keyed vs. Nick Fletcher

You might champ this league son, fuck no! I dare to dream of the night
Please excuse? Your not sick
You still manage to have the most get better cards I've ever seen in my life

28. Vitticus vs. Stanza

even santa's got a grudge against ya, 'coz ure wackness is catching gay
and his pimp level took a serious blow after i went and Keyed his SLEIGH

27. Nick Fletcher vs. Keyed

U know Hannibal will stun ya like a pop quiz from a proffessor
and i eat your liver faster then 5489305843985430958 Liquors put together

26. Roger Glocks vs. Ace Heratoga

it's true that ya crab ass gets props from all around
'n you are the leagues anchor.. the one holdin everyone else down

25. Format vs. John Hensley

i got 3 battles this week, and facing this guy twice ain't what i need
so expect a wack verse as a result of it being Keyed

24. Nick Fletcher vs. Keyed

I could spray you with bullets or alternatively rip your spleens with a knife
But how will your profile say 'killed in action'...
...When you've never made an exciting scene in your life?

23. Appocolyptik vs. Ace Heratoga

This cat really is worthless like flippin an ounce instead of a couple bricks
plus his face is like L.S.D. and my fists like ravers, they want a couple hits

22. Sonny Dimebags vs. Feeble Minded

I said I would implement new ideas, I made an elevation thread for fucks
Its been out with the old and in with the new...
... excuses for why you STILL suck

21. DaTrusHurtz vs. Wordz Ahgod

You'll obviously catch a loss since most people believe in my game.
But everybody that reads this'll write vote For, since it'll be preceeding MY name.

20. John Hensley vs. Format

Wai Lins ugly as fuck and the two of you make a loathsome pair
But you couldn't put a chink in my armour if your bitch stole my clothes to wear

19. Appocolyptik vs. Ace Heratoga

Fuckin' girly shit, now u won't be winnin' n' bitch
U wouldn't be Cruzan to victory even if u drank that pussy shit

18. DaTrusHurtz vs. Ace Heratoga

we got a new champ.. but even john'll get ripped see
'coz Hen a see the kind of punches comin' that'd make a guy tipsy

17. Nick Fletcher vs. Wordz Ahgod

but fuck that i can tell ya cheap an you save ya bread
he ain't waste money on a beanie,
....he just strapped a colored comdon on his head

16. Phil Benjamin vs. Ali G

You cheer for Boston but your homo intentions is felt bitch
When Paul Pierce you....its got nothing to do with the Celtics

15. N. Tavarez vs. Sonny Dimebags

some people are nice to you cuz you talk funnay and are kinda loud
but after seeing the shit you drop, nobody wants to be in the "In" crowd

14. Wireless vs. Infamouz

Think RI wack please kid..... check where you living
Most people dont go to Mass like they rejecting religion

13. N. Tavarez vs. Sonny Dimebags

we should all be friends, but i'm just stating the truth
when i say i hate to see a bond between aaron & ruth

12. Te Ora vs. Joe Native

As far as women goes, sorry, you couldn't even have a whore.
Cuz bitches play bullfighter with you.. they're all quick to show 'Matadoor

11. John Hensley vs. Format

40+ & unmarried. that's not even the worse case
it must suck to get all those homers but neva get to 3rd base

10. Te Ora vs. Joe Native

blacksilence.. its not just me dude, everyone discriminates jew
see the world is mostly black 'n' white..
.. but everyone's pulling together to eliminate you

9. Nick Fletcher vs. Wordz Ahgod

I've tried helpin' u before, but yea now I'll be frank
Ur the baby carriage of text...
... u always go on long strolls down the ranks

8. DaTrusHurtz vs. Wordz Ahgod

What? ur mother must have moved, coz thats bullshit taking place
coz I emerged that day as well---> on her back, entities, and face

7. Wordz Ahgod vs. DaTrusHurtz

I'll defeat you in so many ways and leave you looking battered and shit
& Even science proves that you're the weakest Bond since the atom was split

6. Appocolyptik vs. Ace Heratoga

Yo, I'll roll down to that shit state and kill u at the city u flowin in
I do like the sound of Rhode Island though,
Dat means I got sumwhere to drive and sum water to throw u in

5. Sonny Dimebags vs. N. Tavarez

i know this is a bad time for you, the entire holiday for you is wack
even the GRINCH went 'n stole ure christmas, but it was so poor he gave it back

4. Nick Fletcher vs. Keyed

We're both acting as the super spy & the reputation's enormous
But 0.07 is just the percentage of people that rate your performance

3. Appocolyptik vs. Ace Heratoga

Pussy faggot, ur punches are always missin' dude
Ur like beer foam...all it takes is a few taps to get rid of you

2. DaTrusHurtz vs. Wordz Ahgod

ure opinion means nothin, get set for a god-like drummin
'coz u told me Ahgod is trash..
.. so it must burn you 'coz a god impregnated ure woman

1. Nick Fletcher vs. Wordz Ahgod

Worst Punches of the Week

For writing these punches, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

at least there's freedom of expression, its needless to be testing
Your talent is so small, looks like ya penis is impressing

10. Phil Benjamin vs. Ali G

I'd come play'd 2 matches ur lines,but what can i say..
..that hasnt been said about ur verse,besides it was gay

9. Prosecuter vs. Lampejo

damaging your swagger, it's awful, but believe me i'm a mean slugger
& i didn't think Wire be such'a WAISTE of a slut..
.. except for the fact he's privlidged in wearing the leagues hip huggers

8. Infamouz vs. Wireless

I read Your Old Verse and I Must Admit its Like Nothing ive seen Lately
So I Went Back and read Some Old Verses that Strobe did.....In 83

7. Stanza vs. Vitticus

and ya ballin ability leaves me filled wit doubt
G shootin so many bricks he could build a house

6. Thoughts vs. Germ

You do Your hot 16 But I Know Your Shits Gonna Be Wack Homie
Fuckin " Re' " all the time it No wonder This Guy Wants To "Do Me"

5. Stanza vs. Vitticus

Take the L your vapor now put that pen and paper down, I'll thunder the spars
We all smell
& deny his verses the way everyone puts nose under everyone of his bars

4. Vitticus vs. Stanza

You can sit n’ think on why your so damn weak, I’m a keep dropping hot shit
N’ you’ll always be WAY below me, by the evidence that was left in the toilet

3. Blacksilence vs. Final

You're plain whack, so when I'm finished, you'll lay flat
and like a 'woman's virginity lost'. .
...there's nothing you can do to change that!

2. Faime S. Quotez vs. REMIS

from CHI? what ima bout to ask you is truth, you know me not to front:
how the hell do u have white sox when ur feet aint seen soap in a month?

1. Wireless vs. Infamouz
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