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Old 01-02-07, 05:26 PM   #4
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599

Bitch of the Week

The above is one of the bitches of the week. The other is...

Ace Heratoga

Ace is a cool guy, but easily wins bitch of the week for this week. He had 3 matches, a regular match, an alcohol match, and a serial killer match. He no-showed in all 3 matches! I even asked him if he was going to be able to handle writing that much and he said yes. Guys, please don’t take on more than you can handle.

Honorable Mention: SmokaJoka666

He’s an RB head, and he came onto RV one day with the sole purpose of trying to ride Feeble in his battle vs. Sonny Dimebags. The dude is wack as fuck and even tried to fake being dead on RB awhile ago. If you think you can come to think this site to try to ride your friends, prepare to get a bitch of the week award.

Voting Rules

I’ll admit, I’ve been a bit inconsistent about voting requirements. Its mostly because I’m the type of person that doesn’t want to see a better battler lose due to not voting. I’ve finalized a decision on what I will be doing in the future about people who do not vote. If you would have won, but you did not vote, you will lose and move down the rankings as always. However, if you vote on 8 battles the next week, I will remove the loss. I think that’s fair. If for any reason you will be able to vote in a certain week due to leaving town early or something else, please PM me your excuse. I will then excuse you for voting given that you vote in 8 battles the next week.

Also, I just want to say that I urge more of you to vote, even if you are not winning in your battle. Yes, it is not required, but if you expect votes in your own battle, you should be an active voter yourself. With all that said, almost everyone who needed to vote this week did so, I just wanted to clear this issue up for the future.


Over the last few weeks, I have seen a lot of freeposting in battles. It is cluttering threads, even if it is just friendly chatter. Please keep chatting in the chat or mag threads, rather than in those threads. It saves me time from deleting freeposts, makes voting more clear, etc.

LBL Elevation Thread

Over the past few days, many of you have posted in the elevation thread some of your past verses. That’s great! Props to you guys for admitting there is always room for improvement. Sorry I have been slow getting to you guys, I have been extremely busy, but I’m free again and will be responding and trying to help all of you in the next day.

RapVerse: The Series

The LBL is going to be introducing a fresh idea brought to you by Nick Fletcher. Nick will be writing RapVerse: The Series. It will be a weekly series with a comical plot involving members here at RV. This week Nick will be introducing the first episode!

The NEW Championship Belt

For those of you who don’t know, there will be a second championship belt here at RV. This will be the Themed Belt, a belt which will be competed for with a special theme, such as a concept flipping battle, picture battle, or any theme the competitors agree to.

To get this started, I have posted a picture of myself in the new championship belt thread. The two best disses I see to my picture will compete for the first title! Drop your best boys and lets see some creativity. If you want to compete for this title in the future and not yet you do not need to drop here, but anyone who wishes to initially compete should give it a shot.

The LBL Bounty

There was no Bounty this past week because there was already a lot going on with the special events n’ the holiday season. I didn’t think the bounty would get much attention with this going on. This week, since everyone has a chance to obtain the new championship belt, that will be the focus of next week. Come next week, the LBL bounty will return.

The Boot

No one got the boot this week from dropping wack. Hopefully it will stay like that for next week.

The Interview

Sonny Dimebags has been in this league for half a year, but had not been interviewed yet. This week I talked with Sonny and learned about his past, his insights about the league, and goals for the future. Enjoy.

DaTrusHurtz (2:10:01 PM): have u ever been interviewed for the mag?
Pkou69 (2:11:02 PM): nah Kempo tried once lol
DaTrusHurtz (2:11:08 PM): lol what happened
Pkou69 (2:11:24 PM): i was blazin and dude said i was takin to long to respond lol
DaTrusHurtz (2:11:40 PM): hahaha
DaTrusHurtz (2:11:45 PM): well u want anotha shot?
Pkou69 (2:11:55 PM): hell yea
DaTrusHurtz (2:12:36 PM): aight cool, mags going up lata today n' i need an interview cuz if i've made dudes wait this long they better get a nice long interview
Pkou69 (2:12:59 PM): yea def dude im down
DaTrusHurtz (2:13:39 PM): aight cool man, so first tell everyone a little about yourself.. how old are you, where you're from, what you've accomplished in rap ...
Pkou69 (2:14:51 PM): I'm from Lynn "Sin City"Murda Mass , 15 minutes outside da Bean, I'm 21 year old college student, and ive been rappin since 6th grade on numerous sites but started really doin hard like summer
Pkou69 (2:15:15 PM): not rappin on sites since 6th grade but rappin since 6th grade
DaTrusHurtz (2:16:12 PM): word, textin' ain't been around since you were that young.. how did u get into texting?
Pkou69 (2:16:56 PM): My boy around freshman year in highschool was killin it wit online text on sites and then since i was rappin i got into it
DaTrusHurtz (2:17:19 PM): what sites did you start out on
Pkou69 (2:18:00 PM): Years back like Mr. Blunts is the site I was spittin on for a lil while
DaTrusHurtz (2:18:23 PM): so how did you hear about RV
Pkou69 (2:19:20 PM): One of my boys was spittin on it
DaTrusHurtz (2:20:14 PM): want to give a shout out to that boy?
Pkou69 (2:21:32 PM): I'll give a shout out to my boy Roger Glocks
DaTrusHurtz (2:22:23 PM): wordd, dude is dope.. ur styles are kind of similar so its not that surprising. did u guys teach each other a few things?
Pkou69 (2:23:16 PM): Nah maybe a pointer here and there like everyone does but he does his thing and i do my thing
DaTrusHurtz (2:23:36 PM): aight, so who do you think is better
Pkou69 (2:25:36 PM): Well I can't really say bad things about Glocks becuz he had the belt for the longest time includin takin me down twice so as of right now obviously him, but it don't mean its gonna stay like that
DaTrusHurtz (2:26:23 PM): haha, yeah we'll see, you got some time to catch up to him while he's taking a short break from RV
DaTrusHurtz (2:26:39 PM): you've been on RV for a good while, what do you like about the league
Pkou69 (2:28:06 PM): I like alot of things when this league is at its prime there are some of the best rappers you can find ex. Butler,Glocks ,I also like the mags tops punches and shit
DaTrusHurtz (2:29:21 PM): word, those will keep coming, and over time i'm going to try to think of some new fresh shit in the mags, we'll see. I think the league's in good shape, but some of the guys like Butler have disappeared. What needs to be done to get guys like him to come back
Pkou69 (2:30:11 PM): Dude need to start droppin that fire instead of no showin or droppin wack shit, and thats includin myself , aint pointin no fingers but we all could step it up a notch
DaTrusHurtz (2:31:21 PM): Who else do you think that is capable really needs to step it up a few notches
Pkou69 (2:34:55 PM): Well all the cats at the bottom who are tryin to rise up to the top need to step up there games, Stanza could be good i mean he got 9 wins but 13 loses hurts , Te Ora is pretty sickk when he tries
DaTrusHurtz (2:36:48 PM): word, hopefully he signs back in. Who here are you lookin' forward to signing back in, in the future
Pkou69 (2:38:34 PM): Well I like good competition so like Butler and Glocks see them bring sum flames like where are the dudes like Mets and shit
Pkou69 (2:39:07 PM): Kempo should come back too
DaTrusHurtz (2:39:45 PM): yeah i'm gonna work on gettin' more good dudes in the future, hopefully some of the fresh shit which will be goin' on here will help that
Pkou69 (2:40:29 PM): That's word we need to make the shit
DaTrusHurtz (2:41:06 PM): word, thats tough cuz this site didn't have the best rep in the past, but thats changing.. kempo really helped n' i'm gonna keep buildin' on that
DaTrusHurtz (2:41:19 PM): but its also up to guys like u to recruit and drop nice to help with the league
Pkou69 (2:41:56 PM): Hey im'a try but alot of tha heads i know juss battle face to face
DaTrusHurtz (2:42:46 PM): word, have u ever audio battled or battled live in a competition?
Pkou69 (2:43:45 PM): I've battled many cats at parties in front of many rippin them apart and im tryin to roll to Scribble Jam this year to rip it up
DaTrusHurtz (2:44:09 PM): word, that'd be dope. I've always seen you more as that kind of battler rather than a text battle.. just seems more ur style
Pkou69 (2:44:53 PM): Yeah I like the adrenaline rush i get from doggin on a cat infront of people live, it juss pumps me up
DaTrusHurtz (2:45:54 PM): haha yea i wish that could be represented in text, but oh well, shits still fun
DaTrusHurtz (2:46:14 PM): what have u accomplished in text that ur most proud of n' what are you lookin' to still accomplish
Pkou69 (2:47:28 PM): Well I still haven't accomplished to much I'm like 4-0 in Contendership battles goin into this week and I havent won the belt yet so I need that of course ,and I wanna get to 20 W's on rapverse
DaTrusHurtz (2:48:17 PM): word, ur real close, but the title's always got someone dope in it.. what do u think u need to improve on to get that belt
Pkou69 (2:49:50 PM): I juss need to bring my A game ,not go crazy wit da nameplays lol, and i should have that belt like Chuck Liddel
DaTrusHurtz (2:51:25 PM): haha i hope so man. I'm gonna get back to finishing this mag soon, but first its time for word association, just tell me the first word that comes to mind
DaTrusHurtz (2:51:46 PM): John Hensley
Pkou69 (2:52:16 PM): nice
DaTrusHurtz (2:52:21 PM): KempoMRK
Pkou69 (2:52:27 PM): cool
DaTrusHurtz (2:52:35 PM): Feeble Minded
Pkou69 (2:52:43 PM): 0-2 against me lol
DaTrusHurtz (2:52:53 PM): lol
DaTrusHurtz (2:52:58 PM): Nick Fletcher
Pkou69 (2:53:08 PM): good battler
DaTrusHurtz (2:53:33 PM): Appocolyptik
Pkou69 (2:53:48 PM): on this weeks menu
DaTrusHurtz (2:54:21 PM): word, aight thx for the interview man, any final words?
Pkou69 (2:55:13 PM): Yeah Happy 2007 everybody lets get this site on fire for the new year And Murda Mass all dayy 781 Peaceeee
DaTrusHurtz (2:55:29 PM): word, happy new years man
DaTrusHurtz (2:55:30 PM): pzz


LBL Championship: 1. John Hensley (10-1) vs. 2. DaTrusHurtz (21-2)

This battle should be dope. Good Luck Hens.

LBL Contendership: 3. Appocolyptik (4-0) vs. 4. Sonny Dimebags (18-8)

Appocolyptik has been dropping fire since signing back into the league. Sonny can drop nice, and I expect him to come with it this week, but I got Appoc takin’ this and goin’ to the champ match.

5. Phil Benjamin (6-2) vs. 6. Final (3-0)

Phil is pretty consistent, though still needs to work a bit on coming with those creative concepts. Final isn’t bad, but I don’t think is ready for this so I got Phil winning.

7. Prosecuter (2-0) vs. 8. Nick Fletcher (9-2)

Nick is a beast. Prosecuter isn’t bad, he will do nicely in the league, but this match will be too much for him. Nick will win.

9. Wordz Ahgod (3-1) vs. 10. Comedian (10-2)

Wordz wrote 60 lines last week between his two battles plus the cypher. I expect him to be a bit drained and Comedian will take this.

11. Feeble Minded (2-1) vs. 12. Blacksilence (3-3)

Black got banned on RB for biting a line from Feeble. I expect him to pay for it in this match. Feeble will win.

13. Trunks (1-0) vs. 14. Im Dope Man (1-0)

This battle will be okay. I expect both to have a few okay lines, but also some played ones. Should be close, but I got Trunks winning this.

15. GREVISS (1-0) vs. 16. Wyte (1-1)

GREVISS won by no-show last week so I’m not sure of what he’s capable of. Wyte is okay, and unless GREVISS surprises me, I think Wyte will win.

17. Keyed (1-1) vs. 18. Infamouz (1-1)

Another fairly even match right here between RB heads. Keyed has accomplished a bit more and is slightly more elevated so I got him taking this.

19. TEF (5-6) vs. 20. Stanza (9-13)

TEF just signed back in and he could come rusty or rejuvenated. I’m going with rejuvenated, and I got him taking this one from Stanza.

21. Vitticus (0-1) vs. 22. Faime S. Quotez (0-1)

Vitticus actually won last week, but didn’t vote. He claims he voted, though, so that result might change. Faime comes too simple and needs to get more complex with his concepts. I got Vitticus winning.

23. REMIS (0-1) vs. 24. F5TH-DAWG (0-0)

REMIS can come okay, but he hasn’t yet in the league. F5TH-DAWG is decent and I expect him to do well in this league. F5TH will win this.

25. Thoughts (0-2) vs. 26. ATLAS.. (0-0)

Thoughts needs to step it up a notch, his last two verses have looked very keyed. Atlas is new, but he’s not bad. Could go either way, but I’m going with ATLAS.

27. Germ (0-2) vs. 28. Kimura (0-0)

I’ve never seen anything from Kimura so I’m not sure how this one will go. Germ didn’t come very good, though, last week, so I got Kimura winning.

29. Apex (0-0) vs. 30. Chris Stylez (0-0)

Apex is from RB and hopefully here to stay. Chris has had a few short stays in the league, but has yet to accomplish anything. I got Apex winning.

31. Perpetual Emnity (0-0) vs. 32. G.A da Arquetech (0-0)

G.A. dropped pretty lousy in the cypher last week. He will really need to step up his game if he expects to win here. Based on that alone, I got Perpetual winning.

5 Regular Battles To Watch

1. John Hensley vs. DaTrusHurtz
2. Appocolyptik vs. Sonny Dimebags
3. Prosecuter vs. Nick Fletcher
4. Phil Benjamin vs. Final
5. Wordz Ahgod vs. Comedian

Top 10 Power Rankings

10. Final – Has earned a 3-0 record with little effort, though against easy opponents. Phil Benjamin will provide a better gauge of his talent.

9. Prosecuter – Has earned a few easy wins, but has his first test this week against Nick Fletcher. We will see how he responds.

8. Feeble Minded – Has been dropping very bland since joining the LBL. Obviously is capable of doing so much better. Hopefully his last loss will motivate him to try.

7. Sonny Dimebags – Barely squeaked by Feeble last week, though he did not drop that good. Will need to drop his dopest to get to the champ match next week.

6. Phil Benjamin – Still not quite champion material, but drops consistent and is improving.

5. Comedian – Recently signed back in, though he has won a few cyphers while being gone. Has a nice gaudy record, should climb near the top again.

4. Nick Fletcher – Earned one of the best verses of the week award this week and has been one of the LBL’s best members. Earned 3 wins last week.

3. Appocolyptik – Had one of the best verses from last week and is dropping dope verses of long lengths. Should be in the title match next week.

2. DaTrusHurtz – Came decent last week, but has a tough test this week if he wants to champion the LBL again. Will need to come his dopest to win.

1. John Hensley – Successfully earned his first title defense and is on a role. Drops one of the best verses each week and will be tough to beat.

New Arrivals

I’d like to welcome the following members who are new to RV and the LBL!

G.A da Arquetech
Perpetual Emnity

I hope you guys enjoy your stay in the LBL. If you have any ideas for the league, please feel free to let me know, I am a very open mod.

New Years Resolutions

We’ve reached 2007. We all have goals and aspirations for this coming year, some realistic and some not. Here are some new years resolutions for some of the LBL’s very own.

Sonny Dimebags – “Damn dawgss, I juss wanna win that fuckin title already.”

DaTrusHurtz – “RV will grow and prosper under my reign. Bow down bitches.”

Nick Fletcher – “I just want to move to America so I live in a country with more to do than write 200 lines a week.”

Appocolyptik – “I just pray to god that my boy Nick stays near me so I don’t lose my butt-buddy.”

Te Ora – “I will get over my fears of whatever is holding me back from signing back into the LBL and sign back in.”

Comedian – “I will own the cypher. By the end of the year, it will be named after me.”

John Hensley – “I’m tired of being a nomad. I will finally pick a more permanent home.”


Again, sorry this took so long to get up, but hopefully it was a good read. I surpassed 10,000 words this time! League is looking good, please help recruit any buddies you guys have that are decent, but some good matches should be coming up this week, a new belt, and lots of other excitement here in the LBL. Happy New Years!

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